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Oct 2nd 2021
There's lot's of things that just don't add up in the #DerbyCounty story (not just the balance sheet)!


Fortunes squandered
Rules bent/broken
Financial Engineering

It's not the first time the poor DCFC fanbase have been exposed to these c*nts
I was reminded of this incredible story from the mid 2000's that had passed me by at the time... but could be instructive of things to come.

- MD Nissan
- Fraud/Financial Engineering
- Offshore
- Loans/Mortgages on the stadium
- Dodgy solicitors & administrators

The story about #MichaelHunt the biggest (uncovered) theft in the UK from #Nissan

Money Laundering through Swiss Trusts & banked in #Panama then loaned back to #QPR and #DCFC is the stuff of Spy movies!

@david_conn Nissan don't come out of this well - Anyway, moving on...💸⚽️
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