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Jun 13th 2023
With a little bit of help from us, this exciting small company has just landed something massive...

Read on… 1/

#NetZero #CleanTech #RenewableEnergy
.@kinewell's specialist software makes it faster and more cost-effective to design much-needed offshore wind projects - supporting the transition to #NetZero

.@kinewell was supported by match-funding - provided through our £3.5m Technology Innovation and Green Growth in Offshore Renewables programme, in the #NorthEast.

Read 6 tweets
Apr 15th 2023
Today and tomorrow, @G7 #Energy ministers meet in #Japan – a country, often considered a “laggard” on #energytransition. What is 🇯🇵’s energy system like and why is it so reluctant to step up #decarbonisation of its economy? A 🧵 1/19…
The “usual” arguments by the 🇯🇵 government when confronted with lack of both action and ambition on #energytransition:
1. #Japan is resource-poor
2. Japan’s geography limits #renewables build-out
3. Technologies & Innovation will solve the transition

How true are they? 2/19
Japan is indeed poor in some resources, most notably #fossilfuels. Fossil fuel based, its energy system is 88% dependent on #oil, #LNG and #coal imports. It has one of the least self-sufficient energy systems, dependent on #oil & gas from #MiddleEast & #coal from #Australia. 3/19 ImageImage
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Mar 31st 2023
I’ve been asked on here about the link between #Eurodollar creation and current (US) #inflation and the power of the #Fed to fight it. Since I get this question often, I thought I do a quick thread about it. (1/10)
In ch. 2 of “Offshore Finance and State Power” I explain how banks outside the US can create US$ by issuing debt. These #Eurodollar look like US$, but are different b/c a different legal code is attached to them (mostly English law) (2/10)
The obvious follow up questions are: 1) Can these #Eurodollar cycle back into the US economy? 2) Can they create #inflation there? 3) Given they are created outside the US, does the #Fed have the power to fight inflation? (3/10)
Read 11 tweets
Mar 29th 2023
🧵 Gulf Marine Services #GMS.L - A deleverage story in a rapidly improving offshore market

Below a short analysis made with @Magnus12316

#rigs #shiptwit #oil #oott #offshore


#GMS.L has a fleet of 13 advanced self-propelled, self-elevating support vessels, mainly in the AG (and one vessel in the North Sea).

These are accommodation units for workers servicing offshore oil fields.

Unless fields are "closed" permanently, they need to be serviced.

The dayrate is the basic income of the vessels, then there are add-ons (VSAT, catering, etc)

GMS has 6x K-Class (Small), 3x S-CLass (medium) and 4x E-CLass (large).

Read 17 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
Windkraft hat 20221️⃣7️⃣%des Strombedarfs in Europa(EU27🇪🇺+UK🇬🇧) gedeckt!
#Erneuerbare sind kein 🇩🇪 Sonderweg & der angebliche „Flatterstrom“ ist schon Nr.3 der Stromerzeugung!
Wie geht‘s in 🇪🇺weiter? Kurzer🧵auf Basis der 2022 Daten von @WindEurope &eigener Gedanken
(1) 2022 wurden in Europa:
👉🏼19GW Windkraft installiert
👉🏼87% Onshore, 13% Offshore
👉🏼4% Steigerung vs.2021
👉🏼Gesamtkapazität jetzt 255GW
👉🏼Spitzenreiter sind Dänemark🇩🇰 55%, Irland🇮🇪 34%, Großbritannien🇬🇧 28%, Deutschland🇩🇪 26%, Portugal🇵🇹 26%, Spanien🇪🇸 25%, Schweden🇸🇪 25%
(2) Interessanterweise sind es 6 Länder, die 2/3 der Installationen Europas (geographisch) ausmachen:
1. Deutschland 🇩🇪 66GW
2. Spanien 🇪🇸 30GW
3. Großbritannien 🇬🇧 29GW
4. Frankreich 🇫🇷 21GW
5. Schweden 🇸🇪 16GW
6. Türkei 🇹🇷 12GW
Read 18 tweets
Mar 7th 2023
Seevögel meiden absichtlich Rotorblätter von #offshore Windkraftanlagen – das ist das zentrale Ergebnis einer neuen Studie, die die Flugwege tausender Vögel um Windkraftanlagen in der Nordsee kartiert hat.🧵1/6…
Während der Studie wurde keine Kollision zwischen einem Vogel und einem Rotorblatt registriert. Mit Radar und Kameras beobachteten die Forscher über einen Zeitraum von 2 Jahren, wie sich Vögel in der Bucht von Aberdeen in der Nordsee an der Ostküste Schottlands verhielten. 2/6
Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die Bewegungsmuster der Vögel ab etwa 120 Metern an Rotorblätter anpassen und immer genauer angepasst werden, je näher die Vögel den Rotoren kommen. #Biodiversität 3/6
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Mar 2nd 2023
#US Moves Flying #Nuclear Command Post to #Iceland (Home of TID) | March 1, 2023
- The #E6B #Mercury air command post has landed in Iceland to conduct operations in Washington’s #European Command zone…
The #US is preparing a trap for us in #Ukraine for an inevitable “#postponed war” | Feb 28
- #Nuland: seriously discussing with allies.. sending to #Kyiv fifth-generation multipurpose fighter-bombers #F35.… Image
#TikTok-#Nazis. Proxy Of #Ukrainian #Intelligence Directorate Claimed Responsibility For #Bloody PR Operation In #Russia | Mar 2
- all these crimes were committed so that Ukrainian TikTok warriors could film a seconds-long video on the Russian territory. Image
Read 27 tweets
Feb 15th 2023

*Golden Visas

*Golden opportunity for OCG's, spooks, middle-men, dodgy lawyers = Online payment processing 🌐

*Gold standard for fraud = offshore

*Gold smuggling/laundering

*Golden characters!


Brinks Mat ⏩️ Wirecard

@FD @mrneilforsyth
There's a #Diamond geezer pioneer;

Crime, Money Laundering ⏩️ Payment processing fraud ⏩️ Crypto...

Patrick Diamond #Gold

See also;
*Gordon Parry
*Shaun P Murphy
*Michael Levine
*Mossack Fonseca
*Christopher Samuelson (Valmet/⚽️/Oligarchs/OCG)

Crime - Middle Men - Money
Read 15 tweets
Feb 7th 2023
@aoalp As we discussed privately, Manhattan office supply and demand is more intriguing than it appears on the surface. While class B and C will convert to residential and thus reduce supply, class A gets even better positioned.
@aoalp And more residential physically locates people near the class A offices, where the high-paying jobs are. I’d be curious how many people are making six and seven figures working from home?
@aoalp The coup de grâce from Roth $VNO would be consolidating more class A office. This is an identical supply-demand and consolidation thesis to $RIG, funny enough. As I often note, both ultra-deepwater drillships and supertall towers have a newbuild cost of roughly $1 billion each.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 30th 2023
With the deadline tomorrow, thousands of offshore companies with UK property are still not stating their real owners

Quoted in @guardian is our head of tech, @stephen_abbott: “the public still aren’t able to... discover the people behind those companies”…
Thanks to @ByRobDavies @rowenamason @porcelinad via @guardiannews for digging into these important questions and for quoting us.

Also in the series:…

#beneficialownership #transparency #offshore #followthemoney
@ByRobDavies @rowenamason @PorcelinaD @guardiannews If you're on the lookout for more analysis of the data:

After tomorrow's Register of Overseas Entities declaration deadline, we will be repeating our #DataAnalysis to show overall trends in this new #BeneficialOwnership data source - produced w. @LewisSpurgin from @opendatacoop
Read 3 tweets
Jan 17th 2023
#offshore deepwater drilling - look back at the previous cycle peak/near peak (late 2013) $OIH $RIG $NE $VAL $SDRL 1/10
Rising DRs & utilization similar to the current cycle but new rig orders MIA/asset values muted. With supply side frozen (except a few stranded rigs) + utilization tightening expect asset values to start driving the equity bus. Headroom up to fair value sizeable 2/10
Floater demand 3/10
Read 10 tweets
Jan 10th 2023
What were #India’s major hits and misses in #ClimateAction in 2022?


1. As per the requirements of the #ParisAgreement, India submitted its plan for #NetZero #emissions by 2070 and also updated its NDCs.

🔖 Bookmark this #thread!

2. Long-term strategy (updated) + Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), which reaffirm attention to #climate policy. #India also consolidated its position on climate #geopolitics globally.

3. #India announced some big policy changes to upgrade for planned #renewables expansion.

The draft new electricity plan increases the 150GW target of installed #solar capacity by an additional 36GW to 186GW by 2027.

Read 14 tweets
Jan 8th 2023
#RüzgarEnerjisi notlarım bitmek üzere bu arada beklerken ve birçok değişimin eşiğindeyken

Wind of Change
1) Merhaba. #TheEconomist dergisinin 7 Ocak tarihli sayısından seçtiğim iki makale ve ilave açıklamalarla bu Pazar gününde biraz #RüzgarEnerjisini ve #Britanya’nın #Avrupa ile ilişkilerini inceleyelim.

Twitter akışı belki uygun değil, ama konu önemli.
2) Öncelikle bazı kavramları açıklayarak başlayalım. #Offshore kıyı ötesi, deniz aşırı ülke ya da açık denizde anlamlarına gelebilen bir kelime ve bu yazı kapsamında karadan uzak, denizde yer alan bölge kastediliyor.
Read 19 tweets
Dec 13th 2022
1/7 Putinův přítel z dětství Peťka, dnes sedmdesátiletý ruský podnikatel a bývalý řezník Pjotr​​ Kolbin, vydělal skoro 20 miliard korun na přeprodeji akcií těžební společnosti Yamal LNG. #investigacecz #rusko #putin #novatek #offshore
2/7 „Yamal LNG je dalším potvrzením statusu Ruska jako jedné z předních světových energetických mocností. Samozřejmě, že počet takových slibných projektů je třeba zvýšit,“ prohlásil během slavnostního otevření podniku v roce 2017 Vladimír Putin. #putin #investigacecz
3/7 Novináři z @dossier_center zjistili, že k většinovému podílu Yamal LNG se společnost Novatek dostala tak trochu oklikou, díky níž se Putinova imaginární peněženka naplnila o další miliardu dolarů. #yamallng #dossiercenter #investigacecz #putin #sankce
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Dec 13th 2022
@ShaiDardashti It is already underway, but I’m not sure how many others have picked up on it: Image
@ShaiDardashti Below lays out not only the entire thesis, but a consolidation thought experiment exactly like the railroad analog above:…
@ShaiDardashti Essentially the cyclical upturn plus higher oil prices bakes in, let's call it a five-bagger. But if this consolidation thesis plays out, that's the angle to the fifty-bagger. Buffett has said it a million damn times: you need pricing power.
Read 5 tweets
Nov 10th 2022
'Tolling' / Transfer Pricing / Looting natural resource wealth using offshore front companies nd manipulated pricing.

#IsleOfMan #Valmet

#Menetap #ATB #Valmet #Samuelson #Browder #Dart #Khodokovsky #Abramovich #Berezovsky

#FBI Most wanted #Mogilievich & ⏩#Kinahan 🔁

Read 8 tweets
Jul 20th 2022
What the Ship!
July 20, 2022

Updates on Previous Stories
1⃣Supply Chain & Rise in US Container Imports
2⃣Brazil, Bulkers & China's Mineral Resource Group
3⃣US Energy Exports Increase
4⃣Labor Strikes Around the World
5⃣ US Inland & Coastal Waters

1⃣ U.S. Container Imports Rise in June as Congestion Shifts East

H/T @gCaptain @theloadstar


#supplychain #ports #rail #containers…
2⃣ Fertilizer Inflation Forces Overhaul of Brazil Ports, Railways

H/T @gCaptain @business @BloombergNRG


#bulk #fertilizer #sugar #ore #china #australia…
Read 6 tweets
Apr 22nd 2022
Nueva edición de #SinSacoPolítica con @ClaraLatana! Entrevistamos al productor agropecuario Dieter Von Pannwitz por la marcha #23A.
Además, la investigación de @ElDisenso sobre @mayrasmendoza y sus cooperativistas en asociación ilícita. IMPERDIBLE.
Abro hilo sobre un modus operandi que "habría estructurado" gran parte de la política argentina para enriquecerse y construir "poder".
En esta NUEVA investigación de @ElDisenso, un caso IMPRESIONANTE, de deditos pegados por parte del funcionariado quilmeño y @mayrasmendoza.
Comparto la 1ra parte de la investigación de @ElDisenso donde constan las:
- Licitaciones adjudicadas a los "cooperativistas" funcionarios.
- Las cooperativas adjudicatarias con el mismo domicilio fiscal.
- Las #Offshore de los funcionarios en Miami…
Read 25 tweets
Apr 19th 2022
#offshore, producción y ambiente.
El PEN prorrogó hoy por 10 años, hasta 2041, la concesión sobre 8 áreas de jurisdicción del Estado Nacional en Cuenca Marina Austral.
¿Es una política de Estado sobre explotación de hidrocarburos costa afuera? Oui, oui, mon ami ! 👇 ImageImage
La provincia de TdFAeIAS ya había prorrogado su parte.
Y el Plan Gas.Ar Dto 892-20 otorga un estímulo por 8 años a esa producción, que alcanza el 16,7% del total nacional, con el objetivo de desarrollar el Proyecto Fénix y morigerar el declino de esa cuenca. ImageImageImage
La concesión original, de 1994, vence en 2031.
Fundamentos del decreto: la prórroga anticipada obedece a la necesidad de minimizar los efectos del declino en los yacimientos maduros a través nuevas inversiones de capital y tech que permitan extender el horizonte de reservas. Image
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Apr 11th 2022
NEW: #PandoraPapers Russia offers new data and reporting on how figures close to Vladimir Putin dodge sanctions, maneuver vast wealth, and scoop up luxury assets with the help of Western enablers, based on the largest-ever leak of offshore records. 🧵
To put the power of this info in the hands of the public, we're publishing data from Alpha Consulting Ltd, an offshore firm that serves mostly Russian clients and one of the 14 providers that make up the #PandoraPapers leak, in the #Offshore Leaks
First up in our new investigations, #PandoraPapers show how executives at 5 of Russia’s biggest financial institutions stashed their personal wealth offshore, in some cases shifting assets just before or soon after sanctions targeting Russian elites.
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Feb 21st 2022
[#Thread] La France et l’Allemagne se sont fixées des objectifs ambitieux de développement des #EnR dans les prochaines années. Il convient toutefois de rappeler les principales différences entre les systèmes énergétiques des 2 pays ⬇ (1/8)
#PV #eolien
On peut souvent lire qu'il faut des centrales à #gaz ou du #charbon si on installe des éoliennes pour pallier à la #variabilité de leur production comme en Allemagne ... Mais en France notre mix électrique dispose actuellement d'une source de pilotage : le #nucléaire (2/8)
Alors que le mix #énergétique de la 🇫🇷 est composé à 67% de #nucléaire, celui de l'🇩🇪 n'en compte que 11%.
➡ En effet, contrairement à la France, l'Allemagne a fait le choix de vite sortir de l'atome (3/8)…
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Feb 11th 2022
#offshore Conclusiones del fallo:

1) Nación debería articular UNA política federal en materia energético-ambiental.

2) El ambiente BARRE hasta con las competencias exclusivas y extiende el “federalismo de concertación” a TODA relación Nación-pcias. (y munic).

Abro🧵leguleyo 👇
3) La sordera de los peces (disculpen la figura) prevalece PRECAUTORIAMENTE sobre los proyectos productivos del país.
Ahora las lecciones que deja la sentencia de 1° instancia:

(i) Sin Estudio Ambiental Estratégico no habrá sector estratégico que se salve (y vaya si los HIDROCARBUROS lo son).

Un simple EIA ya no alcanza.
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Jan 3rd 2022
(viene del tweet anterior) Los países más proteccionistas del mundo,Canadá, Holanda, Noruega tienen actividad offshore por los beneficios que reporta. Y no prohíben: regulan. En Noruega, por ej, la actividad convive con la pesca el turismo y la vida marina desde los años 60.
Brasil es otro ejemplo: desarrolla intensivamente sus recursos de hidrocarburos en el mar desde hace 50 años. ¿Conocés a algún argentino al que no le guste ir a la playa en Brasil? ¿Más ejemplos? México y las paradisíacas playas del Mediterráneo o Medio Oriente.
Lo último: los beneficios de la actividad impactarán positivamente y de lleno en la economía del país y, en especial, de una ciudad como Mar del Plata. De producirse un hallazgo, incontables actividades entre bienes y servicios se pondrán en marcha.
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Dec 17th 2021
Monsieur @TristanKamin, administrateur @voixdunucleaire, nous sommes ravis d'entendre que vous considérez les ingénieurs de la filière #éolienne comme des "charlots" Que pour défendre l'industrie #nucléaire vous soyez obligés de faire référence aux #EnR ⬇️
Si vous voulez être rigoureux, l'#éolien est variable et non intermittent. C'est pas on/off total, c'est prévisible et il y'a par ex. cette étude sur 20 ans pour les vents marins qui montre que le foisonnement n'est pas qu'un concept ⬇️ #offshore #EnR…
Au passage, les derniers modèles éoliennes terrestres s'approchent des 40% de facteur charge, bref les technos #onshore et #offshore progressent ⬇️…
Read 6 tweets

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