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May 16th 2023
#Monsoon2023 Onset Conditions slowly evolving at the background over S-SE Bay as Lower level wind flow seen getting back to normal after got disturbed last week by #CycloneMocha . Cross Eq Flow/ITCZ associated rains likely over Nicobar Islands from 18th May.
If we observe the above animation closely ,I have drawn a line for understanding the progression of Monsoon as we could see the cross Eq flow slowly establishing &extending NW gradually as days progress. This is how Bay branch monsoon progress into #srilanka (25/26th May)
Zonally oriented East-west shear line in the lower troposphere also seen appearing in the next 4-5 days extending from S.Arb sea into Andaman &Nicobar islands. This is also criterion considered for Monsoon arrival over Bay islands Image
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