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Jul 20th 2019

Mueller hearings will highlight 'shocking evidence of criminal misconduct' by Trump.#MuellerWed

TeamTrump player 🔑 in Broidy shenanigans, UAE, Saudi, Israel (PsyGroup -Aug TT meet/Zamel/DonJr), Seychelles meet+:

George Nader accused of transporting boy for sex, porn

Palm Beach sheriff opens internal affairs investigation into handling of Epstein

Trump Readies His Mob for the Race War—don’t fall for it.

Trump Rehearsed & Planned ‘Send Her Back’ Chant At Rally #LaraTrump

Rumor haz it Omar may have immigration issues—stay tuned.

Trump confirms he authorized Rand Paul to negotiate with Iran

Iran stop second British tanker in one day

Trump Win on Health Plans Advances His Effort to Undo Obamacare 😱😱😱

Chairman Nadler Demands that Hope Hicks Clarify Testimony Before House Judiciary Committee
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