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Dec 12th 2018
It's been a little over a month since I got back from #LivingLaVidaLagos and even though I am still missing it like crazy (someone yell "like CRAZY!"), I feel ready to share some of my experiences; the good, the bad & the neutral.

Lagos, THANK YOU for a truly wonderful time ❤.
One of the best things that I did? I went to the opera 💃! Y'all, did you know there's opera in Lagos? And I don't mean 'good enough for Lagos' opera. I mean, proper, 'beautiful, well-trained instruments', opera! I watched #DonGiovanni at the #MusonCenter.
I also loooved Fela's Shrine. I actually went twice; on the day I arrived & again for #Felabration2018. You guys, it was so much fun! I ended up abandoning my people and going up front to dance with the King!
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