Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #NMBlueIn22

Most recents (4)

Sep 15th 2022
📣📣📣 🧵CRUNCH TIME. It'll still be tough, but the tide has started to turn in Dems favor!

In 2020 we saved democracy. In 2022 we need to save it again. Money isn't everything, but it's still an important tool.

Here's ~900 ways to help:
1. We desperately need to keep the #HouseBlueIn22! If the GOP takes control you’ll have racist, anti-science lunatics like MTG, Matt Gaetz & Lauren Boebert in charge. DON'T LET THAT HAPPEN.

This page includes 44 races in half the states; donate today!…
2. This page includes 40 federal House races in the other half of the states; donate today to keep the #HouseBlueIn22!…
Read 49 tweets
Sep 6th 2022
📣📣📣 🧵CRUNCH TIME. It'll still be tough, but the tide has started to turn in Dems favor!

In 2020 we saved democracy. In 2022 we need to save it again. Money isn't everything, but it's still an important tool.

Here's ~900 ways to help: 1/
1 - 44: We desperately need to keep the #HouseBlueIn22! If the GOP takes control you’ll have racist, anti-science lunatics like MTG, Matt Gaetz & Lauren Boebert in charge. DON'T LET THAT HAPPEN.

This page includes races in half the states; donate today!…
45 - 84: This page includes federal House races in the other half of the states; donate today to keep the #HouseBlueIn22!…
Read 38 tweets
Aug 4th 2022
📣📣📣 THREAD: Dems are facing headwinds in 2022, but the tide has started to turn! WE. CAN. DO. THIS!

In 2022 we need to save democracy again. Money isn't everything, but it's still an important tool.

Here's multiple fed/state races to support: 1/
1. First, we desperately need to keep the #HouseBlueIn22! If the GOP takes control you’ll have racist, anti-science lunatics like MTG, Matt Gaetz & Lauren Boebert in charge. DON'T LET THAT HAPPEN.

This page includes races in half the states; donate today!…
2. This page includes federal House races in the other half of the states; donate today!…
Read 25 tweets
Jul 8th 2022
📣📣📣 THREAD: Dems are facing strong headwinds in 2022, but DON'T accept defeat as inevitable.

In 2020 we saved democracy. In 2022 we need to do it again. Money isn't everything, but it's still an important tool.

Here's links to multiple fed/state races to support: 1/
1. First, we desperately need to keep the #HouseBlueIn22! It’s a long shot but if the GOP takes control you’ll have racist, anti-science lunatics like MTG, Matt Gaetz & Lauren Boebert in charge.

This page includes races in half the states; donate today!…
2. This page includes federal House races in the other half of the states; donate today!…
Read 20 tweets

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