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Jan 31st 2023
When you are looking for contribution of writers in Bharatiya Sahitya, Karnataka stands tall.

Of the many gems Karnataka produced, a poet stands out with his beautiful verses that is

A small tribute for a legend who was referred as Karnataka Kavi Kula Tilaka
on his Jayanti..

Born to a Chitpavan Brahmin family Dattatreya Ramachandra Bendre started a revolution during his era with #NavodayaSahitya.

Many of his poems were written in the name of #Ambikatanayadatta which he described as Universal Inner Voice.

In 1926, he started
#NaadaHabba that is Festival of Land which is celebrated coinciding with Navaratri even today.

Da Ra Bendre as he was popularly called received #Jnanapitha in 1974 for his poem collections #Nakutanti and #Padmashri was bestowed in the year 1968.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 31st 2022
When you are looking for contribution of writers in Bharatiya Sahitya, Karnataka stands tall.

Of the many gems Karnataka produced one person stands out with his beautiful verses that is

A small tribute for a legend who is referred as Karnataka Kavi Kula Tilaka
on his Jayanti..

Born to a Chitpavan Brahmin family Dattatreya Ramachandra Bendre started a revolution during his era with #NavodayaSahitya.

Many of his poems were written in the name of #Ambikatanayadatta which he described as Universal Inner Voice.

In 1926, he started
#NaadaHabba that is Festival of Land which is celebrated coinciding with Navaratri even today.

Da Ra Bendre as he was popularly called received #Jnanapitha in 1974 for his poem collections #Nakutanti and #Padmashri was bestowed in the year 1968.
Read 4 tweets

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