Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #NamasteyLondon

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Apr 30th 2020
Some notable films of #RishiKapoor on digital platforms..

Starting with the 2.0 phase..

A thread..
#HumTum (2004) - Prime

#PyaarMeinTwist (2005)

#Fanaa (2006) - Prime

#NamasteyLondon (2007)- Netflix, Prime

#LuckByChance (2009) - Netflix, Prime

#ChintuJi (2009) - Eros Now, Jio

#Delhi6 (2009) - Netflix

#LoveAajKal (2009) - Eros Now, Jio
#DoDooniChaar (2010) - Netflix
#PatialaHouse (2011) - Netflix
#Agneepath (2012) - Netflix, Prime
#SOTY (2012) - Netflix , Prime
#JabTakHaiJaan (2012) - Prime
#Housefull2 (2012) - Eros Now
#ChashmeBuddoor (2013) - Netflix
#Aurangzeb (2013) - Prime
#DDay (2013) - Prime
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