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#noangstnov day 30: Snow
#steddyhands TW: Character Death
Since it's the last day of the month and the last entry for No angst November, it's a SAD one. Or maybe just bittersweet.
1/16 Edward Teach, Born on a Beach, had been granted more lives than a cat. His favorite was the life he lived with Stede and Izzy. It took a while to settle, for apologies to be said and accepted, for anger to fade in the face of love.
2/16 False starts, and steps backward and forward again, over and over until the three of them finally decided that life together was worth the work, worth all the strife they caused for each other.
Read 18 tweets
#noangstnov Day 29: Leaves
Lucius’ notebook contains more than diary entries and dicks
Before the Revenge, Lucius had never left Barbados. He’d dreamed of a life of adventure on the ocean like so many boys, but he never thought he’d have the opportunity. Then a strange man with more money than sense whisked him away to the sea.
And that was that. A pirate’s life for me.
Read 10 tweets
#Noangstnov Day 28: Soup
Izzy is sick and as both doctor and cook, Roach knows soup is the best medicine
Izzy had been in bed for two full days now. He’d been ordered to his cabin when the Captain saw his uncertain gait listing him too close to the ship’s railing. He was under orders not to leave until his nose stopped running everywhere and he could keep two meals down.
Izzy was in hell. There was nothing to do but stare at his bare walls, sniveling and shivering and hoping for a quick death.
Read 13 tweets
#noangstnov Day 26: Thanksgiving
Stede's hosting Thanksgiving for his motley crew/chosen family
Everything was ready. The weather was mild, so Stede set the patio table up with all as many place settings as he could and set up card tables for the rest.
The turkey was in the smoker, spatchcocked so it wouldn't be an all day affair to cook it. Roach had come early to monitor it and the rest of the cooking Stede and he had taken on.
Read 16 tweets
#noangstnov Day 26: Baking
#Rizzy if you squint

"I made you a cake."
They were alone in the galley. It was still early, most of the ship was still sleeping, but Izzy had come down for his morning coffee.
It was routine, Izzy sat and drank in relative silence while Roach worked.
They tended not to talk. Pointedly. But it was one of Izzy's favorite times of day, and Roach was part of it, loathe as Izzy was to admit it.
This was a deviation though.
"A cake?"
"Captain Ed said today's your birthday.
"Oh for fuck's sake. Who else knows?"
Roach shrugged, nonplussed by the utterly on brand response from Izzy.
"Birthdays mean cake, even for you, Mister Hands."
Read 8 tweets
#noangstnov Day 25: Dance #ouizzy
Ed drags Izzy out to a gay bar and they meet some interesting guys.
The bar was loud and busy, and Izzy felt small and old in the sea of bodies. Ed had dragged him out, claiming he needed to hang around people other than him for awhile. Izzy disagreed, Ed was plenty for him, but he let Ed have his way. Again.
Ed steered them to a dark corner booth and ran off to get them drinks. Izzy watched him as he flirted with the bartender and the blonde next to him and the tall guy next to him. Izzy wondered if Ed would want to bring someone home with him.
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#noangstnov Day 24: date night
Izzy's turn to pick a date night activity for the trio and he's feeling unsure what to do
It was Izzy's turn to plan date night, and he was...not feeling great about that. They'd gotten into a groove with them. Stede usually picked something cultural like a play or museum. Ed something fun and make-out friendly like the drive-in.
And Izzy usually opted for a night in and a homemade dinner.
Izzy worried it (and he) was too boring for his partners.
He isn't flashy and fancy like Stede. He isn't fun and flirty like Ed. Izzy is just...Izzy.
Read 15 tweets
Day 23: candles

Stede opened the door to the flat and gasped in awe. The lights were out and candles were sitting lit on every surface, casting a warm glow on the space.
"Darling?" Stede called out.
Who should be darling?
Ed came out wearing one of Stede's saucier robes holding two wine glasses.
"What's all this for, Dear?"
Stede was running through all the possible occasions in his head. It wasn't one of their birthdays. Not their anniversary. Neither of the days they met.
Read 11 tweets
Day 22: cozy
Izzy heard some muffled knocking and then the yelling signaling Frenchie was here.
"Babe! Babe! Open up!"
Izzy pulled the door open to Frenchie holding more things than seemed possible.
A blanket fell from the top of the precarious tower onto Izzy's head
"Oops, sorry, but if you could grab some of this I'd appreciate it."
Izzy was weak to Frenchie's shit-eating grin.
"Alright...Give it here."
"Cheers m'dear!" Frenchie replied with a quick kiss to Izzy's cheek.
"What is all of this?"
"Well, first night in your new place so I figured you wouldn't really have unpacked anything, yet. And you're you, so I figured you'd also be stressed about that.
Read 15 tweets
Day 21: pet

Edward Teach had a lot of regrets. Big ones, small ones and every size in between. He knew he couldn't fix any of those mistakes. And he wouldn't given the choice. His past was set, and all of it led him to Stede.
Finding Stede was worth all the regret, all the torment.
But he could try and make amends. Slowly, carefully he thought through his crimes and he made a list.
First was Fang.
The puppy was cute; small, pink and piggish. The mother had been one of those hairless beasts and the father a fancy English toy that had sewed its oats all over the island. It was scruffy and more friendly than was smart.
Read 9 tweets
Day 20: Forest

The trip is a disaster from the start. Stede packs two suitcases for the weekend "just in case" and Ed's in a sour mood because "nature is gross."
Izzy had been planning a solo trip, but Stede had asked to go and he'd been too weak to argue. He knew Stede would hate camping the way Izzy liked. And where Stede went, Ed followed these days, and Ed would absolutely hate it.
The plan had been to leave Friday morning by 9, but Ed had slept in and then Stede insisted they needed to eat a full breakfast before hitting the road. So they didn't get in the car until noon.
Read 20 tweets
Day 19: comfort
It's too bloody cold.
Izzy hasn't seen his breathe in the air since he left England, and he hasn't missed it.
Any skin touching the frigid air burns and he can't help shaking, his body reminding him that staying still means death.
Most of the crew has hidden below, huddling together to share their meagre warmth and ample supply of rum. Izzy curses them for hiding and himself for not joining them.
The only person seemingly unaffected is Buttons, and after sailing with the odd man for months, Izzy isn't surprised.
He motions to Izzy, indicating he has the ship handled for now. Izzy heads below, ready to shiver through the night in his cot.
Read 8 tweets
Day 18: best friends

"Hey, mate! Got you something!"
Wee John looked up from his mending to see Frenchie hurrying over.
"You didn't need to get me anything."
"Course I did, it's your birthday! What kind of best friend would I be if I didn't get you a present?!"
Frenchie thrust a lumpy package into John's hands.
The bundle was wrapped in a piece of old sailcloth and smelled faintly of oil.
John unwrapped it carefully.
"Dynamite! You got me dynamite?! Thanks, mate! You know me so well!"
Frenchie grinned seeing John's happy face.
Wee John pulled him in for a joyous bear hug.
"Can't wait to blow somethin' up with them soon!"

Read 4 tweets
Day 17: warm drinks

The Revenge was many things. Ridiculous primarily, but in the very best ways if you were to ask its crew. Comfortable, being filled with linens and pillows and soft spots to perch. Full of amenities, many that Captain Bonnet thought of himself.
Delicious foods and drinks at arms length, mostly because Roach prided himself on his cooking. And the Captains strove to supply him with the best ingredients to make sure every meal was up to snuff.
So when they ran out of cocoa and therefore the crews' nightly drinking chocolate they were used to having during story time, mutiny was never closer to happening.
Read 8 tweets
Day 16: music
"I wrote you a song"
"No you fucking didn't"
"I did"
Frenchie grinned mischievously.
"Alright, I'll bite. Let's hear it then."
"Greatest swordsman on the sea
A more fearsome foe you'll never meet
If you see him you'd better flee
Israel Basilica Hands

Quick and fierce when he's on his feet
But on his back he's sweet to me
Never had a tastier treat
Israel Basilica Hands"
Frenchie ended the song with a flourish and bowed to Izzy.
Izzy just shook his head and pulled Frenchie in by his tie
"You're a fuckin' menace," he whispered with barely contained fondness and he captured his mouth in a kiss.
"All yours, Babe."
Read 4 tweets
Day 15: forts
It was a foggy morning, so much so that the Revenge had stayed anchored in harbor.
Stede and Ed had decided that the crew could take the time to have a break, enjoy a peaceful day or two.
Izzy, of course, found it difficult to rest. He'd woken at dawn like normal, and cursed the fog that turned the air to ether. When the captains gave the order to "take it easy" He scoffed and got about his business. There was still plenty to be done.
Izzy was in the store room checking their provisions when Ed found him.
"Iz! What the fuck man? What're you doing?"
Izzy didn't even look up from his counting.
"Work, Edward, like usual."
Ed grabbed him by the collar and pulled, ignoring Izzy's attempts to argue.
Read 13 tweets
Day 14: Hand holding

This was it. Israel Hands' time had come. It would be a good death, noble even. To die in protection of his Captain. It was perfect really, fitting.
His sight was fading, everything going gray at the edges.
"Izzy! Hold on, we're gonna fix you!"
"Fuck, he looks bad."
There was a lot of yelling, but Izzy couldn't follow it anymore.
Pain radiated from his center, dulling everything else around him. He was getting so cold, like all his warmth was leaving his body through the hole.
"Izzy, Izzy stay with us!"
"Keep your fucking eyes open, Hands!"
The pain sharpened again when someone pressed down on the wound
Someone grabbed his hand, squeezed it hard. It was so hot, like sunshine in summer, bleeding warmth in to his numb fingers.
Read 16 tweets
Day 13: Apple picking
"It's fall, bitches. I want to do all the things. Pumpkin spice. Apple picking. Haunted houses. Corn mazes. Cider mills. Et cetera. We're going all out this year."
Lucius was obviously in high spirits. And maybe had pre-gamed before meeting up with the rest of the crew at Jackie's.
"I'm not doing any of that." Jim said with a sneer.
"But you already told me all about that extreme haunted house you wanted to..."
Jim stared daggers at Olu.
"Of course you'd want to do one of the scariest fuckin' ones where you have to sign a waiver first." Izzy grinned like a hyena. "I'll go if Boodhari is too scared."
"Cheers, thanks Iz. I definitely am."
Read 16 tweets
Day 12: painting
"I'm nearly done, stop grousing at me."
"Stupid fuckin Bonnet. Stupid fuckin Ed. I can't believe I agreed to this," Izzy muttered as he tried to keep the pose Lucius had carefully put him in hours ago.
He was laying on the chaise, a blanket draped just so across his chest and covering his manhood.
'A cheeky hint at what's below' Lucius had said as he laid it over him.
He was cold and his ass hurt and he wanted this experience over.
At least Spriggs hadn't been talking his ear off. Too busy staring at Izzy's form and trying to capture 'the essence of Izzy' at Stede's request.
Fuckin ridiculous.
He'd only agreed because Spriggs had painted Stede and Ed first and they'd been lovely, though he couldn't say so.
Read 15 tweets
Here's a thread of my various twitfics
Ongoing fic about Izzy Hands dealing (poorly) with all the changes on The Revenge post reunion and his captains trying to help. Eventual steddyhands.
Read 15 tweets
Day 11: Stargazing
It was storytime on The Revenge, but for the third night in a row, Stede was holed up in the Captains' cabin with a nasty cold. The crew missed their nightly ritual, but they still gathered to rest and be together.
It was wonderfully clear and the stars were bright, so they laid out their blankets on deck and spread out, staring at the stars. They pointed out the constellations they knew and made up stories for the ones they didn't.
"Izzy, which ones do you know?" Frenchie asked the first mate.
"Iz knows all of 'em" Ed piped in. "Tell 'em a good one."
Izzy pointed up at a cluster.
"That's Bezeh, the despised. It's supposed to look like a centaur, but I can't fuckin' see it."
Read 7 tweets
Day 20: Cleaning
Roach prided himself on the state of his galley. For a galley/surgery to be healthy, it had to be clean, and Roach kept his spotless. Well as much as he could.
The crew didn't always respect that it was his space. Didn't respect his rules.
Not all of them at least. He could trust the Captains to stay away, mostly because they had their own room to befoul. Same for Jim and Olu honestly. And First Mate Hands of course. He was nearly as fastidious as Roach. It was Roach's favorite thing about him after his swordplay.
They'd had a good day today. Raided a merchant ship that 10 kegs of good ale, and they'd already tapped two of them. Dinner had been goat stew with herbs that still smelled fresh and sticky rice. Everyone had been in good spirits over dinner. He'd even seen a smile on Hands' face
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Day 9: movies
#SteddyHands Movie Night
"Edward. If you make me watch You've Got Mail one more time, I won't be responsible for my actions."
"C'mon, Stede! It's mine and Iz's favorite!"
Stede pouted while Ed tried to gather him in for a hug.
" I already told him we were watching it, so he'll be disappointed if we don't," Ed added all in one quick breath.
Stede frowned, but knew it was no use. The last thing he needed was Izzy annoyed at him for "ruining another date night."
He hadn't known about the dog in Moonrise Kingdom!
"Fine. Next time we're watching Pride and Prejudice, then. If we're just going to keep rewatching the same movies over and over, I get to watch my favorite, too."
Ed grinned, "Deal! He loves that one, too. Plus Macfadyen is hot."
Read 7 tweets
Day 8: Caught in the Rain
Why the hell had he volunteered to babysit the little Bonnets?
Stede was off at a conference for the weekend and Mary and Doug had already planned a romantic getaway ages ago.
Ed had agreed to watch them, been all excited to "step-dad the shit out of them" then went and fucked up his knee so bad he was stuck in bed. He'd called Izzy nearly in tears asking him to help, and weak as ever to Ed, Izzy'd said yes.
And now he was stuck at the park trying to entertain Stede's kids for God knows how long. No he hadn't checked the weather before telling them they could go play at the jungle gym, but it'd only been a little cloudy when they left. Now they were waiting out a flash thunderstorm.
Read 11 tweets

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