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Jul 23rd 2021
Remember that huge landslide at the town of Old Fort in N.E. BC, a kilometre from #SiteC? Well the geohazard assessment is complete. My engineer pal says it's very well done, & more proof #SiteC is unsafe. Highlights from his remarks: (thread).. #bcpoli… ImageImage
Engineer: "there's so much info in this #OldFort slide report it would take a month just to digest it, but it tells us the basics: this is no area for a dam. #SiteC… #bcpoli
Engineer: "What a comprehensive report - compliments to Tetra Tech. Anybody reading this would find somewhere else for a dam! They're careful to limit their work to the Old Fort slide area, so they don't make any statements about #SiteC, tho they do show it is in close proximity"
Read 16 tweets
Jun 23rd 2020
"Active Peace Valley landslide renews questions about slope instability [near #SiteC]and B.C. government secrecy" - new article by @sarahcox_bc @thenarwhalca #bcpoli…
@sarahcox_bc @thenarwhalca "...Old Fort residents want to know why the BC govt is refusing to release information about an earlier landslide in the same location, near the #SiteC dam construction site.
“What kind of information do you have that is so bad that you can’t share it?” #bcpoli #OldFort
@sarahcox_bc @thenarwhalca "Last year, @thenarwhal learned through a FOI request that the 2018 Old Fort landslide, in an area underlaid by numerous [fracking] leases & near one entrance to the #SiteC dam worksite, was classified as a “dangerous occurrence” under BC’s health & safety code." #bcpoli
Read 8 tweets

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