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Nov 11th 2020
🚨 We're launching a political action committee to win back the Senate, and fight for science, democracy, a #GreenNewDeal, & #MedicareForAll. Join us!


We marched. We voted. But our work is not done.

Electing a President who will listen to scientists is a good start, but it's nowhere near enough.
To bring about transformative change, we must first create the legislative conditions conducive to achieving success.

That means we also need a Senate who will listen to and work with scientists.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 10th 2020
📢📢📢 It's official: The first work our political action committee will engage in is going to GEORGIA and helping the Democrats win back the Senate! 🍑 #PACforScience
Electing a President who listens to science is a good start, but it's not enough.

To address the many crises we face, we need a #GreenNewDeal, #MedicareForAll, a national mask mandate, a ban on fracking, and so much more.

We need a Senate that also listens to science.
To have policies that stand up for science and justice, we must first create the legislative conditions conducive to achieving success.

That begins in Georgia, where two Senate run-off elections on January 5th will determine the balance of power in Washington.
Read 7 tweets

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