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Jul 12th 2021
The Cherokee Nation is one of many tribes in OK who have been at the forefront of vaccination efforts statewide, but people remain hesitant, writes @jackhealyNYT.…
People remain reluctant to get the COVID-19 vaccine due to "questions about the vaccines’ efficacy, side effects and the speed they made it to market."
More on vaccine hesitancy from @jackhealyNYT's article: "Others just seemed to want a nudge. At a Walmart providing shots, unvaccinated shoppers said they were not so much opposed as just waiting. For more information. For a doctor’s recommendation. For more people to take it."
Read 8 tweets
Nov 23rd 2020
I (@fancycomma) have tried to help people understand COVID-19-related science by publishing helpful explainers on my website with my friend @TheSharedScope. Check it out here: #PandemicSciComm
Most recently, we published a blog on what "vaccine efficacy" means:… @TheSharedScope
Here's our guide to how the most promising COVID-19 vaccines work:… #PandemicSciComm @TheSharedScope
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