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Jun 18th 2023
The #Parthenon and #UbirajaraBelongstoBR: a thread on old excuses and bad faith.

I've been studying restitution disputes over cultural heritage for years and one thing that never ceases to amaze me is how relentlessly repetitive and fallacious the "arguments" for retention are.+ ImageImage
As an example, let's compare one specific aspect of the longest-standing restitution claim in the world (over the Parthenon Sculptures) with the recent debate on the restitution of the #Ubirajarajubatus fossil to Brazil. @elginism @BCRPM +
In my Master's Thesis, I analyzed Greece's claim against the British Museum (BM) and the UK under the International Human Rights Law framework. For that, I had to deconstruct a recurrent argument for rejection: that Lord Elgin had authorization to remove/export the sculptures.+
Read 15 tweets
Jan 27th 2021
The case of the return of two solemn Greek Orthodox Patriachal documents and an 18th century Ottoman firman has been highlighted in this tweet from @artlawles. It is an interesting case that is also relevant to the ongoing debate over the return of looted cultural treasures 1/6
According to records kept by the #BritishLibrary @britishlibrary the rare sigallia confirming the patriarchal value of the Holy Monastery of Panagia #Chrysopodaritissa and the related Turkish Sultanate firman of 1786 (pictured) were "presented" in 1988 by Walter Stecklemacher 2/6
Reports suggest that they were looted from the monastery by archaeologists in 1979 and later sold abroad. A keen observer saw them on the British Library’s website and in due course the relevant Greek antiquities authorities were notified and formally approached the Library 3/6
Read 7 tweets
Nov 25th 2020
The full article (behind the paywall) by @antheecarassava on the return of the #Eikosiphoinissa gospel manuscript is here. 1/3
The background story of the return of the gospel manuscript by the @museumofBible can be accessed here… 2/3
The stolen manuscript was auctioned at Christies New York @Christies in 2011 and the catalogue entry is not unsurprisingly notable for lack of any real provenance detail:… 3/3
Read 5 tweets
Jun 18th 2020
The #AcropolisMuseum in #Athens is a striking museum completed in 2009. Designed by the renown architect Bernard #Tschumi the museum was built to be in harmony with the Sacred Rock and the #Parthenon itself. #Museum #architecture #MuseumsUnlocked @profdanhicks @cultureGR 1/4
Tschumi and his Greek collaborator, Michael Fotiadis, came up with a design based on movement and light, embodying an ethos that this museum needs to consider its role both as a repository for its collections and as an influential context for the Classical art of its time. 2/4
The essence of the architects' brief was to construct a museum that would establish a unique visual experience with the #Parthenon, not as destination museum, but in a sensual dialogue between the #ParthenonSculptures and the Parthenon itself that would reach across centuries 3/4
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