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Aug 29th 2021
Zoning rules have a much larger impact than most people realize. Much of this is driven at the local level, meaning that your local elections and community meetings are incredibly important, directly shaping the world you live in.…
Furthermore, as this article points out, those local decisions directly impact whether you can even afford to live in that world. #NIMBYism is an incredibly expensive luxury we as a society cannot afford.
But to those #NIMBY people I say this: what happens when the people you depend upon for basic services can no longer afford to live anywhere near where you expect to receive those same services? Do you expect them to drive an hour each way? Two? Where does it stop?
Read 14 tweets
Sep 27th 2020
1/ BREAKING: Sean Goode (@WhyICHOOSE180) resigns from @MayorJenny's "task force" before it starts:

"The role...was not to bake the cake [or] identify the ingredients the community would like to be included but to merely put the icing on so it would be palatable to my people."
2/ "FIRST, any investment that does not align with a corresponding divestment in policing does not actually create the change we need.

Imagine Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center funding both cancer research and the spread of the disease. Sounds ridiculous, right?" #Right
3/ "Yet @MayorJenny plans to spend $100 million to resource BIPOC communities while continuing to spend several times as much on [policing systems] the very thing that perpetuates inequity throughout BIPOC communities."

Read 18 tweets
Apr 23rd 2020
I'm sitting in on the @demsoc @digidemlab Webinar exploring Digital tools for citizen participation. I'm going to do one of my mega-threads again. Feel free to mute for an hour!… 1/ #CitizenParticipation #DigitalDemocracy
I'm sorry that I'm not sure whose speaking, it's Sanna but I joined late. The webinar comes during the current pandemic and localities and cities are starting to ask for support for engaging citizens online. 2/ #CitizenParticipation #DigitalDemocracy
This is a global webinar with what looks like participants from every continent 3/ #CitizenParticipation #DigitalDemocracy Image
Read 38 tweets

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