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Feb 14th 2020

After Trump’s Attacks on DOJ., Barr Says He Will Not ‘Be Bullied’
#SureJan 🙄

Trump’s Angry Vendetta Against Rule of Law

Trump’s post-impeachment purges prove the impotence of checks & balances when confronted by a ruthless mobbed up president who knows no bounds

As sentencing approaches,Stone turns to former mob lawyer for help

Barr is Inv’g CIA Resistance to Sharing Russia Secrets 🙄

Dunham is scrutinizing the agents and analysts who sought to understand Russia’s covert operation to help Trump win the 2016 election.

Barr/Durham are pursuing a theory that the CIA under John O. Brennan, had a preconceived notion about RU or was trying to get to a particular result &/or “nefariously” trying to keep other agencies from seeing the full picture lest they interfere w/ that goal.
Read 62 tweets
Feb 8th 2020
This is a redux of the 1992 #PassportGate, wherein personnel in GHWB’s adm used gov’t resources to look for dirt to smear Bill Clinton, GHWB’s political oppo’t.

Same players: then AG Bill Barr appt’d Joe diGenova (now Firtash’s atty) as Special Counsel to “investigate.”
1992 PassPortGate

GWHB Adm Scandal About US Gov’t File Search to dig up dirt on WJC In 1992

Wasn't Illegal Says then AG Bill Barr’s Special Prosecutor Joe diGenova.…
Barr appointed DiGenova as special prosecutor to probe whether senior officials in the GHWB WH instigated, encouraged or acquiesced in attempts to use gov’t records & workers to influence the outcome of 1992 presidential election…
Read 3 tweets
Dec 12th 2019
‼️The Real Whitewater Shocker

The 2002 independent counsel's report concedes there was no Clinton scandal, but details another one -- the role the first Bush adm played— especially the role then AG William Barr played (& Mueller)

March 22, 2002

H/T @SalT25a
While the aim of the IC report was clearly to defend the integrity of the investigation that produced it, tucked away toward the end is information that points to an opposite conclusion.

Critics of the Starr and Ray inv’ns have long held that the Whitewater probe was partisan from the start, born in dirty tricks & manipulation that began with the first Bush adm.

The 2002 OIC itself is presenting facts that substantiate those claims.…
Read 43 tweets
Oct 19th 2019
‼️Update: #UkraineGate


The Notorious Cast of Shady Characters — Engineers of the Ukraine Scandal

📌Spoiler alert: Rebekah Mercer added. 😳
Dmitry Firtash, charged with conspiracy by the U.S. and living in Vienna, shuffled lawyers in July to add Barr pals* Joe diGenova & Victoria Toensing, all vocal supporters of Trump who had worked with Giuliani.

*See #PassPortGate below.…
🔑The effort by Dmytro Firtash, a UKR gas mogul described in DOJ court filings as an “upper-echelon [associate] of Russian organized crime,” underlines the wide-ranging consequences of Giuliani’s effort to use Ukraine as a wedge issue in U.S. politics.…
Read 62 tweets
Oct 13th 2019
Destination Vienna:

Connecting Trump, Giuliani, Parnas, Fruman & a notorious Ukrainian oligarch Dmytro Firtash, described by our DOJ as an “upper-echelon [assoc] of Russian organized crime.” #Mogilevich

Media wake up! @cnn @msnbc @WSJ @nytpolitics…
🔑The scandal surrounding U.S. President Donald Trump and his associates, including Trump’s private lawyer Rudolph Giuliani, now involves one of Ukraine’s most notorious oligarchs, connected to Mogilevich, the reported kingpin of the Russian mafia.…
Parnas & Firman worked for Firtash before Parnas joined the Ukrainian’s legal team.

Parnas, Reuters also reported, served as a translator for lawyers representing Firtash (Toensing & diGenova)…
Read 50 tweets

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