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Dec 4th 2020
1/9 Shameful @AaronWherry & @CBCNews are falling prey to IDU, Harper & #QanonOToole, leading the rest of #CDNpoli astray with this blasphemous propaganda

The Somewheres & Anywheres is called

ECOLOGY OF ANIMAL MIGRATION & no dolt from Brexit invented it…
2/9 Though @AaronWherry is usually a solid reporter, what's happened to @CBCNews editors that they've become an unwitting tool of far-right propaganda to delegitimize science & make a mockery of it?

Ecology of animals (& the human mammal) can't be rebranded by #CDNpoli radicals
3/9 From animals to tiny cells, all life is either stationary or migratory. This forms part of the basis of #ecology in all things & Harper, OToole, the IDU, nor Brexit can change that by bastardizing complex science to 'Somewheres & Anywheres'

@AaronWherry @CBCNews #CDNpoli
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