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Jul 9th 2020
Poor little Dinesh.

Just as wrong & confused as ever. Activists HAVE been targeting the slaveholding legacy of Douglas for years at the University of Chicago (a place he founded in 1856). Two monuments to him there just came down.

A @KevinMKruse style dunk on Douglas/Dinesh
For me it all started here with @TheRAUC's piece on @BlkPerspectives detailing the University of Chicago's ties to slavery via Stephen A. Douglas's 3000 acre cotton plantation in Lawrence County, Mississippi.… #Twitterstorians #BlkTwitterstorians
That work was then peer-reviewed multiple times (both formally and informally) and was then published at the @JAAHistory which is the oldest and most storied academic journal for African American history in the world. Here is the full piece:
But...… @ASALH
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