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Jan 22nd 2022
March for life Utah underway at the state Capitol #utpol #utleg
The event put on by March For Life Utah, Pro-Life Utah and Abortion Free Utah aims to “peacefully and powerfully bring awareness to the millions of lives that have been lost since the passage of Roe v. Wade exactly 49 years ago.”
Part of keynote speaker @nickvujicic’s message to the crowd, several hounded strong:
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Jan 22nd 2022
On the 49th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, reproductive rights across the country are no longer just being chipped away at – they are being bulldozed straight into the ground. I refuse to stand silently by and watch that happen. #Roe49 #RoevWade
Protecting reproductive rights has never been more important in our history than right now. We must fight for reproductive justice by protecting and expanding access to abortion, birth control, and all forms of reproductive health care and passing the ERA.
I’m proud to be one of the 8 in 10 Americans who support the legal right to abortion. That’s an overwhelming majority of our country, and it’s time to act like it with concrete actions to safeguard this right. It’s time to #PassWHPA and #PassERA.
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