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Oct 28th 2022
🗣STARTING NOW: @marceelias and @paigemoskowitz discuss voter intimidation in Arizona and legal updates from the week.

Tune in to Defending Democracy here.👇…
ICYMI: There was a hearing in federal court in a lawsuit seeking to prohibit a right-wing group and its vigilante drop box "monitors" from further intimidating voters in Arizona. A decision is expected soon.

Get a recap of what happened here.…
ICYMI: Two right-wing groups announced in an "Official Stand Down order" that they were abandoning their plans to "monitor" drop boxes in Arizona after being sued for intimidating voters.…
Read 8 tweets
Oct 6th 2022
🚨⚖️COURT ALERT: Today the 5th Circuit is hearing oral arguments in a lawsuit challenging the residency restrictions in Texas voter suppression law #SB1111 for violating the U.S. Constitution.

Follow along for live updates.🧵
Enacted in 2021, SB 1111 creates new residency restrictions to register to vote. The law imposes limits on what type of addresses voters can use to register to vote and allows county officials to require additional verification for some voters to register.
.@votolatino and Texas State @LULAC sued, arguing that the law violates the 1st, 14th and 26th Amendments and unfairly targets young voters, student voters and voters of color.…
Read 21 tweets
Oct 2nd 2022
.@marceelias isn't exaggerating — this week will be incredibly busy for voting rights and democracy in the courts. Here's what will be happening, what you need to know and how you can stay updated.⤵️🧵
⚖️Monday, Oct. 3: The North Carolina Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in a lawsuit claiming that a state law requiring photo ID to vote was passed with the intent to discriminate against Black voters in violation of the NC Constitution.…
Oral arguments will start at 1:00 pm ET tomorrow. We'll be live tweeting the court proceedings, and you can watch along here.👇…
Read 19 tweets
Aug 2nd 2022
🚨BREAKING: Federal court STRIKES DOWN strict residency requirements for voter registration contained in Texas voter suppression law #SB1111, finding that they violate the U.S. Constitution. More info to come.…
The 2021 law prohibited establishing residence “for the purpose of influencing the outcome of a certain election,” added strict voter ID requirements for voters that use P.O. boxes to register to vote and more.
Texas State @LULAC and @votolatino filed a lawsuit challenging that the law violated the 1st, 14th and 26th Amendments of the U.S. Constitution.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 22nd 2021
I don't know about you, but we’re tracking 22 active lawsuits about new voter suppression bills passed so far this year. And it feels like a perfect morning to take a look at the cases and what laws they're challenging👇🧵
🐗In Arkansas, @lwvarkansas is suing over 4 new laws: #Act736, #Act973, #Act249 and #Act728. The laws require signature matching on mail ballots, cuts the time frame to return an absentee ballot, enforces stricter ID rules and bans line warming.…
☀️Over in Florida, 4 lawsuits are challenging #SB90.

In the first lawsuit, @LWVFlorida, @BlackVotersMtr, @LULAC and @ActiveRetirees claim that the restrictions on drop boxes, mail voting, line warming and more in #SB90 violate the 1st and 14th Amendments.…
Read 24 tweets

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