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May 1st 2022
A #THREAD ON HOW TO START A #SOLOPRENUERSHIP FOR #SRILANKANS. I thought of celebrating this May Day with a thread on how you can empower yourself! Please note, in no way am I insinuating that I am successful, these are just some tips that worked for me, and might work for you! 🙏🏽
Tip #1: Do you think you need capital to start a business? FALSE 🚫. There are tonnes of businesses that can be started with very very little to no capital, by simply using your own skills, dedication and contacts. Two of my most successful ventures started with ZERO capital.
Tip #2: Do not overthink. A lot of people have fantastic ideas, but either keep overthinking and never launch, or simply procrastinate. So, one of the most crucial tips I have for you is that if you have a business idea just go for it. Don't worry about failure. DO IT!
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