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Feb 6th 2020
Once again, Member States talked about the Conference on the #FutureofEurope. And it appears that, for many, the future of Europe should not include treaty reform — which remains an absolutely necessary condition for a true #EuropeanDemocracy. via @POLITICOEurope
Likewise, there is opposition to @guyverhofstadt, long-time MEP and Belgian PM for 10 years, as Conf President. Member States want a former Head of State/Gov.... but not so "former". Somehow, recent experience in the @EUCouncil is more important than in the @Europarl_EN?!
Member States have always acted to be the custodians of treaty change in #Europe and to limit citizen or parliamentary involvement. It is time to walk the talk and actually give Europeans a say. Not just on policy, but on what the EU should look like. #Schuman20 @federalists
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