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CCTV FOLLIES 12.10 Xi gives speech at Arab summit.

Chinese state TV would have you believe this is the moment the world has been waiting for....
The top of the news today is the amazing speech given by Xi Jinping to the assembled Arab states.

The much-heralded speaker is here shown arriving.
MBS greets him at the door like a valued guest...

(But Xi doesn't get to stand in the middle, MBS does.)
Read 32 tweets
CCTV FOLLIES 12.09 (continued)

In Riyadh, China talks, Africa listens.
Here Xi is meeting with head of Sudan's Sovereign Council Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan ImageImage
Kuwait knows the routine:
"China is a great country. Let me congratulate Chairman Xi on winning a new term... ImageImageImageImage
Meanwhile, back in China, Li Keqiang is coming into his own as a spirited leader. Image
Read 15 tweets
CCTV FOLLIES 12.09 Xi Jinping in Arabia

-Motorcade with Saudi characteristics
-Audience within an audience
-Xi hemmed in by Saudi protocol
-Like a fish out of water
-Xi regains his mojo in meetings with Egypt, Palestine
The December 9 news opens with a Xi motorcade, but this one is a little different. Motorcycles accompany his car from the airport to Riyadh, after which the Saudi cavalry takes over.
The arrival of the foreign VIP is trumpeted.
Prime Minister MBS greets Xi
Read 21 tweets
CCTV FOLLIES 12.08 King for a day
-Xi descends from the sky to alight in Saudi Arabia
-Full ceremonials and pomp fit for a king
-In Xi's absence, Li Keqiang is number one big boss
-Cai Qi also gets a whiff of glory
-Russia tells it like it is in Ukraine Image
In an opening reminiscent of "Triumph of the Will" the man of destiny gazes down upon the earth as his craft slowly descends towards its destination. Image
His jet is soon accompanied by other jets flying in tribute to his munificence, power and grace, letting loose streamers of smoke as the big jet lands in Riyadh. ImageImageImage
Read 26 tweets
CCTV FOLLIES 12.07 A day of meetings
-Spirit of 20th congress spreads like a prairie fire
-All parties, ethnic groups, youth, seniors heed the call
-Next year is year of the "20th spirit"
-Russia still blowing things up in Ukraine
-US humiliated by power blackout in N. Carolina Image
The first eight minutes of the news is unbearably boring, just a long readout, but it's got Xi's thumbprint in every inch of it, so there's that.
In short, implementation of "spirit of 20th." ImageImageImageImage
Meeting in Zhongnanhai shows where these exceedingly bureaucratic ideas originate. Image
Read 28 tweets
CCTV FOLLIES 12.06 Great Hall Memorial
-Xi dominates dull proceedings with half-hour rote speech read in slow motion.
-Delegates can be seen looking at watches
-Russia shooting rockets at Ukraine
-Ukraine strikes Russian airfield
-Volcanoes around the world
Read 23 tweets
The Shenzhou 14 crew flies back to Beijing after a successful mission but needs ground assist to get out of plane since they've been in zero-gravity for half a year. ImageImageImage
China's space program is on a roll. A new crew, ferried to the Tiangong space station by the Shenzhou 15 capsule atop a Long March rocket, is now in space. ImageImage
Read 10 tweets
CCTV FOLLIES 12.05 Hu shows up?

The news today is three-fold: Jiang's funeral, Shenzhou astronauts return and usual Russian bombing footage in Ukraine.
-Hu Jintao makes a low key appearance to pay respects to his predecessor Jiang Zemin.
Hu stands between Xi Jinping and Li Zhanshu, bringing to mind the seating chart on the dais of the 20th party congress from which Hu was ejected.
Everyone's following a script here, so it's hard to say what's really happening, but it's news enough just to see Hu in attendance.
Hu Jintao pauses to show respect as he passes the open-coffin of Jiang Zemin
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CCTV FOLLIES 12.04 Xi: Constitution is me
-Jiang accolades keep coming in:
-All ethnic groups in Tibet loved Jiang
-Jiang was a precursor to Xi Jinping (Hu, not so much)
-Constitution is the authority and will of the Party
-Russian rockets flare
-Pasta pricey in Italy Image
Tibet party branch secretary on the passing of Comrade Jiang Zemin...
"We are deeply saddened because we really have deep memories of him." ImageImageImageImage
"Jiang exerted great effort to build a new, modern socialist Tibet"
"We must turn our grief into power to unite and struggle"
(last line sounds like a Xi soundbite) ImageImageImage
Read 19 tweets
CCTV FOLLIES 12.03 Gold and silver in the hills...
News mostly fresh out of the can, but some of the images are pretty.
-Nation mourns, Foreigners send condolences
-China is beautiful. It's an environmental wonderland
-Russia pipeline penetrates Yangtze
-Russia makes war Image
Chinese remember Jiang at home...
Foreign leaders phone it in.
(foreigners not invited to funeral ceremonies) ImageImageImageImage
The authoritative flagship news program devotes the middle section entirely to pretty pictures.

Airing canned news gives a break to tired staffers overworked from covering, and covering up, the news of recent days. ImageImageImageImage
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CCTV FOLLIES 12.01 Mourning and museums

Gloomy mourning rites for Jiang Zemin (10 minutes)
-Things brighten up at a CCP museum exhibit personally inspired by Xi Jinping
(It's like the Wizard of Oz going from B&W to color.)

-Russian update on Ukraine
-US stealing oil ImageImageImageImage
The camera starts with Xi and his wife and then turns its hierarchy-sensitive gaze to the rest of the masked politburo. What? Xi wearing a mask? Outside in the fresh air?
He's at one with the mourning elite today. ImageImageImageImage
The Nightly News recounts the drama of Jiang Zemin's body being flown into Beijing. ImageImageImageImage
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CCTV FOLLIES 11.30 Xinwen Lianbo, part two

"Jiang was a great outstanding leader of our great incalculable loss"

"In accordance with China's practice, foreign governments, political parties and friendly personages will not be invited."
Xi Jinping (top of the list, large print) heads the honorary funeral committee. This section includes hundreds of names and goes on for a mind-numbing five minutes.

Fun fact: Hu Jintao ranks 36th in the titular hierarchy.
Sometimes CCTV wows its viewers with spectacular images.

Sometimes it bores people out of their minds.
Read 19 tweets
CCTV FOLLIES 11.30 Another slow news day

Dark attire is first indication that something happened.
It did.
Jiang Zemin is dead.
CCTV can make the protests go away with a magic wand, they can make Jiang's successor and Xi's predecessor disappear from the stage in real time, Image
but how long can they deny this story? Perhaps a short delay in the announcement of Jiang's passing to conjure up a narrative favorable to Xi, but they can't hide it for long. Image
Here he is. A man who helped Xi in his unexpected rise but got no gratitude. Banished like a Buddha on a shelf. Image
Read 19 tweets
CCTV FOLLIES 11.29 Xi on the top of the world

-Ten year's of success under Xi
-No corner of China untouched by the Xi "touch"
-Covid prevention now even more correct than before
-Xi congratulates Russia-China on energy ties
-Putin does too
-Russia bombs Ukrainian tanks
Another big news day at CCTV, which starts out with an 8-minute segment of scenic canned footage. Some of the footage is stunning, but it's all in service to the party line.
CCTV takes us to a far-away, but not forgotten corner of China where the roads are narrow and winding.
Read 48 tweets
CCTV FOLLIES 11.28 China's clarion call to the world

News opens at Tiananmen. It features scenes of mass gatherings, enthusiastic youth and heroic accomplishments. It will tell a fairy tale about a nation that has rejuvenated itself under the firm guidance of a very wise man.
Today, the big news:
-Xi welcomes the Mongolian president
-Xi has a meeting with the Mongolian president
-The legendary story of how China rejuvenated under Xi
-Russia strikes military targets in Kherson
The audience is about to begin. Mongolia's president is taken to Tiananmen Square. He treads the VIP red carpet to mount the steps into the Great Hall of the People.
Read 56 tweets
CCTV FOLLIES 11/27 What protests?

When the going gets hot, CCTV plays it cool.
As protests proliferate in China's cities, CCTV talks about the weather. Let it snow!
-China economy good
-Snow in north China
-Fewer fairy lights on high streets of England this year. Image
From Shanghai to Beijing, new businesses are doing well ImageImage
Foreign Minister Wang Yi warmly welcomes the new Russian ambassador to Beijing. ImageImageImageImage
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Lone protester on shopping street in Chengdu
His banner expresses mourning for his unlucky compatriots in Urumqi.
singing the Internationale in Chengdu despite protestation of teacher
Shandong University post:
"I'm not a foreign force, I'm a Chinese citizen.

Shandong truck driver gets locked down on the spot in his cab which is sealed to prevent legal exit.
Read 5 tweets
NOT CCTV NEWS 11/26 A day of spontaneous protest

A round-up of the day's non-news around the nation.

First, Urumqi where white-suited police go door-to-door looking for instigators and block public streets. ImageImage
Haizhu in Guangzhou is seeing white suits upgrade to a more weaponized look. ImageImage
Chongqing people, sick and tired of lockdowns are literally kicking down walls.

A lone protester silently remembers the lost souls in the Urumqi fire. ImageImage
Read 10 tweets
CCTV FOLLIES 11/26 What's not on the news?

Social media is bursting with images of protest and police citizen clashes across China, but not a peep on CCTV which sails through first ten minutes singing praise of Xi Jinping and the victorious 20th party congress. ImageImage
Scenes from Hotan in Xinjiang where citizens waving red flag break through police barrier manned by white suits.
Similar street battles reported in Tianjin, Guangdong, Chongqing and elsewhere. ImageImageImageImage
And now the news....
"We have some big stories today..."

-Success of Xi Jinping's 20th Congress
-Success of scientific and correct Covid Policy
-Russia strikes foreign fighters in Ukraine Image
Read 35 tweets
CCTV FOLLIES 11/25 Another nothingburger news day

Outside the studios of CCTV, things seem to be heating up. Big news.
You won't see it on the news, but you can sense it.

Chinese social media is awash with troubling images from all four corners of China.
The current brutal suppression of worker protest in Zhengzhou is well documented...
But Urumqi, which has been under a very long lockdown is also stirring with serious unrest
Read 34 tweets
CCTV FOLLIES 11/24 Hardship in land of plenty
Nightly News top story is the overflowing abundance of food in the entire country.

-Empty shelves in Zhengzhou (not shown)
-Protests in Zhengzhou, lock down (not mentioned)
-Xi congratulates Congo
-Sun Chunlan, Covid Czarina
This is Not CCTV

A ZhengZhou supermarket
This is not CCTV
Police stormtroopers stamping out dissent in Zhengzhou
Read 16 tweets
CCTV FOLLIES 11/23 No News is no news
Nothing on mass riots in Henan, but the news is so eerily calm as to suggest crisis mode.
-Top story: Our beautiful wetlands
- Xi is thinking about the earth
-More scenic shots
-11/21 Henan factory fire gets mention, but not the riots
None of the scenes from the riots in Zhengzhou were CCTV (surprise, surprise)
Instead it was like a David Attenborough special.
"Our beautiful wetlands" led the news and held it for five minutes.
Read 16 tweets
CCTV FOLLIES 11/21 Late evening news
Xi doesn't dominate the news today, he's probably sleeping or self-isolating after shaking so many hands at G-20 and APEC, but a day without Xi news at CCTV is like a day without sunshine, so his name dominates the news open anyway. ImageImageImage
The big story is the uptick in Covid cases and the crackdown on those who don't follow orders. ImageImage
Sun Chunlan, CCP's Covid Czarina, is on the scene, hectoring locals to get with the program and do a better job. Image
Read 13 tweets
They all got played by Xi, except for maybe Trudeau…
Japan and US set the tone, followed by...
Brunei, Philippines, Chile and Singapore
The same dynamic was evident in Bali with Guterres and Meloni...
Read 8 tweets

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