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Jun 3rd 2022
Building a Second Brain Visual Notes!

A thread:
Week 1: Capture

Key Lesson: Not everything we capture needs to go into our second brain. Use a buffer space that holds captured content till we can decide if it's actually of value.
Our content consumption is largely shaped by our habits. Instead of trying to reset it all at once, make smaller visible shifts in terms of how we spend our time.
Read 16 tweets
Apr 23rd 2022
Pour ceux qui ont suivi les #sketchnotes que j’ai fait pour #DevoxxFR, voici un aperçu de la façon dont je m’y prends ! 📽
Niveau formation - rappel que je suis développeuse - j’ai eu une initiation avec des coachs agiles. Puis j’ai lu le livre Sketchnote handbook (il y a deux volumes) de Mike Rohde (le papa du sketchnoting).

Et enfin beaucoup de temps et de travail ! Et encore tant à apprendre
J’ai commencé avec des feutres et papier. La limitation était donnée par le matériel mais ça apprend à créer beaucoup de variation manuellement (font, ombres…).

Je suis récemment passée sur iPad et les possibilités sont infinies, et ca laisse le droit à l’erreur car modifiable!
Read 3 tweets
May 21st 2021
Every friday we round up the best #sketchnotes that came up this week...

1/6) The amazing @lizandmollie make the list
2/6) Asking better #questions makes the world a better place!
@chrisspalton captures a session at the #Levelupweek2021 talks on #questions!

3/6) We work with stories and leadership. We found this #Sketchnote capturing why leaders need stories compelling
Read 6 tweets
Feb 4th 2021
@OutlierConf — the first-ever conf by @DataVizSociety — kicked off today. So far, it’s been a mix of inspiring #dataviz projects, insights into design processes and SO MANY AMAZING 1:1 CHATS! ♥️

Here’s an ongoing thread with some of my #sketchnotes & links.
#Outlier2021 (1/n) Image
The day kicked off with @MollzMP talking about how she went from *no-one-wants-virtual-confs* to *wait-this-is-a-great-idea*! (I’m paraphrasing!)

A virtual @OutlierConf is:
🌏 Global
🙌 Inclusive
⏰ Flexible
🛋 Comfortable
🌳 Environment-friendly!

#Outlier2021 (2/n)
The first talk was by Caroline Goulard from @dataveyes, who gave a sneak preview into an immersive visualization of COVID-19 research publications.

Mapping 26K parameters as a force-directed graph & clusters resulted in some amazing patterns!

#sketchnote #Outlier2021 (3/n) Image
Read 22 tweets
May 30th 2020
We are all living in our homes turning our bedrooms, hallways, and rooms into fitness studios. Perfection is just a concept. Being authentic is so much more important. — Amanda Young

Creating a New Virtual Class with Sass
by Amanda Young
Virtual is going nowhere.
[Here to stay even once studios/gyms reopen]
This is an opportunity to connect with those people you no longer see. — Amanda Young

Creating a New Virtual Class with Sass
by Amanda Young
Build a reputation.
Charge what you want to charge.
Show people you're worth it.
— Jason Goldberg, @betashop
founder & ceo of @moxie_xyz

I make all my money in the room.
— Bryce Wood, @byrceknows

Creating a New Virtual Class with Sass

#SketchNotes #ScribbleNotes #Fitness
Read 7 tweets
May 4th 2020
Over the last month, several designers spoke about the impact of COVID-19 & the changing world around us.

Here are some #sketchnotes & reflections from *6* such conversations, hosted by @DesignUpConf, @ADI_org_in, @adypuniversity, @AnAwesomeConf & LWD PDX.

👇 Mega thread 👇
First up, was this short & light-hearted session by @ADI_org_in, titled Resurgence, ft. @siddharthkabra, @nishma_pandit, @seemaseth, @ghate, @hsuthar & others!

The conversation was focused on how the creative industry is adapting to the new way of working.

2/n #sketchnotes
While a few studios had adapted to the WFH & remote client presentations, they all agreed that this was a [key] life event.

They longed for things they took for granted (morning coffee, water cooler banter…) & especially missed the multi-sensorial brainstorming activities.

Read 30 tweets
Feb 9th 2020
@Mappletons 1/ I guess I’m a purist when it comes to the “sketch” part of sketchnotes. As @brunowinck eluded to, I’m in the camp of “one-and-done” sketchnoters. I rarely do a second pass at them. Once I go back to back to them, I find myself spending too much time making them look “nice”...
@Mappletons @brunowinck 2/ ... and they start to lose something for me. The joy disappears and the anxiety of making something perfect takes over. As a graphic designer, I’m plaques with a self-inflicted perfectionism. #Sketchnotes alleviate that for me.
@Mappletons @brunowinck 3/ Also, the proliferation of “perfect #sketchnotes” cause some first-time sketchnoters to think their work is bad or that it will never live up to “so-and-do’s” work... and that makes me sad. Sketchnotes are personal to the person who did them....
Read 6 tweets
Oct 4th 2019
#TestBash Manchester was amazing. The workshops, the conference and today Test.bash(); - looking forward to the open space tomorrow! Huge THANK YOU TO EVERYONE for a great experience. And not to forget: here are my #SketchNotes. Thread.
"Observability and Testing: Explore What's Happening Under the Hood" by @PierreVincent #TestBash #SketchNotes
"The Wheels on the Bus Go Fail, Fail, Fail" by @outo_he & @theSmartass83 #TestBash #SketchNotes
Read 16 tweets
Sep 13th 2019
The conference day of #TestBash Germany is over and it was day full of great conversations! Really happy I decided to come and meet all these wonderful people. 😊 Also, here are my #SketchNotes of today's talks. Thread.
"(Mis)Using Personas with the Seven Dwarfs" by @Tweet_Cassandra #TestBash
"When to Say No to Automation" by @jack_taylor24 #TestBash
Read 9 tweets
Nov 17th 2018
#AgileTD is over and I feel the post-conference blues. Also, I promised to share my #sketchnotes, so here they are. Thread.
"From Fairy Tales to Serious Stuff: Two Generations in Tech" by @janetgregoryca & @sbligh #AgileTD #sketchnote
"Transparency: A Holistic Approach to Software Quality" by @hogfish #AgileTD #sketchnote
Read 19 tweets
Oct 26th 2018
Glad to be back at @DesignUpConf, this year as part of the organizing team, doing graphic recording and helping with the scholarship program. 🙌
Here's a thread with my #sketchnotes, photos & reflections from this year's edition: #DUp18!
Yesterday was dedicated to masterclasses, and in the morning, I got a chance to listen to @vlh highlight how animation can be a part of design systems, explain easing curves & walk us through an inspiring set of popular design systems!
(2/n) #DUp18
Next half was a masterclass on using sketching in the design process by @bencrothers (author of @prestosketching). It was great to watch him distill sketching into smaller pieces to learn through inspiring examples!
Here are my #sketchnotes from his session!
(3/n) #DUp18
Read 32 tweets
Oct 25th 2018
Un recap plus propre en #sketchnote de la conf de lancement de #BlendWebMix « Peerocracy » by @aral
Next #sketchnote, la conf de @Cabaroc sur les identités visuelles illustrées

Après quelques jours de pause, je continue de cleaner mes #sketchnotes de #BlendWebMix, ici celui de la conf de @WalterStephanie : « Un joli template ne rendra pas votre site utilisable »
Read 5 tweets

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