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Feb 24th 2022

¿Qué se ha publicado? ¿En qué orden? ¿Cómo leo? Si tienes estas dudas sobre esta línea de la franquicia galáctica, te ofrezco esto:


Una guía visual con todo lo publicado, ordenado por fases y olas. #StarWarsTheHighRepublic Image
Necesitaba algo más visual con el orden de lanzamiento del asunto y que me permitiera decidir bien qué leer y qué no.

¿Por qué orden de lanzamiento? No lo digo yo, lo dijo Charles Soule.
Hay un par de ajustes aquí y allá gracias a @superlayo_, que me indicó dónde colocar un par de cómics para que quedaran bien. En caso de dudas sobre Star Wars, asomen a su ventanilla.
Read 13 tweets
Jan 11th 2021
Alright, I just finished "Light of the Jedi" by Charles Soule, and I have some thoughts on it, both as a scientist, historian, and Star Wars fan. I'm mostly coming at this from an Old Republic fan viewpoint.

The first thing I want to look at is the tone, because anything else is really nitpicky and the fundamental themes of the story are really the main basis for comparison. So I'm looking at this from a few angles, the big one being it claiming to be a "Star Wars Arthurian Romance."
For those that know anything about the actual Arthurian Romances, they fundamentally focus on diverging from Arthur as the main character, which one can conceptually argue this book does, diverging from the Skywalkers as a main character and focusing on other Jedi.
Read 41 tweets
Jan 4th 2021
Ten minutes until The High Republic launch event live on YouTube! #StarWars #TheHighRepublic #DisneyBooks #DelReyBooks

Here's the link...
Okay, here we go! The boss herself, Kathleen Kennedy, introduces a The High Republic trailer! #StarWarsTheHighRepublic Image
Michael Siglain giving a bit of history on the project... Image
Read 28 tweets
Sep 1st 2020
Very excited to be writing Yoda in my ongoing @IDWPublishing series as part of #StarWarsTheHighRepublic 💚
You already know Image
Also!! #StarWarsTheHighRepublic has a brand new landing site where you can meet more of the characters and learn about the initiative. It'll be updated with new info along the way 💥🔥🐙😈🐉⭐💚…
Read 11 tweets

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