How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App by the 15th century the Cumans in the middle Danube region were pretty heavily assimilated by the Kingdom of Hungary. One of our best depictions is the frescoes from Avio Castle, in two phases from the 1330s and 1350s. They're easy to spot by their stereotyped hats. @BretDevereaux Dr. Devereaux is right in that we can look to Iron Age Celtic blades for part of the Spatha's origins. Functionally speaking "longswords" from the ~4th c. BC to ~13th c. AD could be glossed as "Spatha" and that would be an oversimplified "correct." Wars follows the "Space Lake" model of Sci-Fi combat largely deriving its ships and fighters from WWII models. The X-Wing is the P-51, the TIE the Zero, etc. etc. These are the fighters that helped bring about the end of the Battleship, and Star Wars follows that. sword fittings are all from Nydam 1d, and although hourglass hilts (Behmer Type-V) are primarily a North/Baltic sea phenomenon, we have plenty of evidence for extensive recruitment from this region under Aetius. this piece is a great example of how lack of research affects pop culture depictions (e.g. Hollywood) which then in turn colors the knowledge and perceptions of artists, which then goes back and affects the ones doing historical pieces.