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Mar 23rd 2020
Why today’s #StayHomeStaySafe order from @GovWhitmer is so important, ICYMI from her address earlier:

In just 13 days, we’ve gone from 0 to 1,232 confirmed cases in Michigan of the #coronavirus #COVID19. It has doubled over the weekend. This virus is spreading exponentially.
From @GovWhitmer: We have roughly 10 million people in Michigan. There is a model that anticipates that if we stay on our current trajectory, just like Italy, over 70 percent of our people could get infected with #COVID19.
.@GovWhitmer: Of that 7 million people projected, about a million would need to be hospitalized. For perspective: we have about 25,000 acute care beds in Michigan.

Stopping the spread of #coronavirus is the most important tool we have right now to keep our communities safe.
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