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Aug 27th 2019
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A lot can happen in a year!

This month marks a year since Liverpool Resisters' #stickerwoman action which started a curious chain of events which made international news, raised awareness, recruited countless women, and exposed @lpoolcouncil as misogynist charlatans.
In the context of a badly run Government consultation into gender self-id, a policy which would have huge implications for women, women's voices were shut out by the establishment. Feminists were harassed and abused. The public had no idea what the government was planning.
As part of a national grass roots campaign, a small act of resistance took place. A tiny be-penised sticker, stuck to a statue on Crosby beach, stating a biological truth "Women Don't Have Penises." A short, common sense statement designed to get people to start asking questions
Read 15 tweets
Sep 20th 2018
Virtue Signalling, Misogyny, Abuse & Revenge

Liverpool City Council tonight adopted "Standing With Our Trans Community"…

The motion & mayor were, I believe, unfair, abusive,in breach of Equality Act 2010 & neglectful of their proper duties. 1/15
The motion is, to put it politely, a mish-mash. It includes wild allegations, conclusions about criminal offences & random moves to “encourage” more “gender neutral” loos. It also states as a fact that “transwomen are women” without attempting to define those words. 2/15
Liverpool ReSisters are accused of:

1. a hateful campaign
2. defacing public art works and buildings
3. stickers regarding Trans women and gender recognition
4. not recognising transwomen as women
5. by implication guilty of “hate crime” 3/15
Read 15 tweets
Aug 24th 2018
if you ask for the definitions of words like woman, girl, female, man, boy, male
if you use transphobic dogwhistles like “sexually dimorphic,” “biological reality,” and “sex stereotypes”
Read 11 tweets
Aug 19th 2018
It is apparently now a crime worthy of police investigation to state biological facts.

This is the mayor of Liverpool announcing action against women putting up stickers saying "Women don't have penises".
Note he is responding not to the form of the message but to the content.
Warning to biology teachers, scientists and gynecologists: It is now a hate crime to state that "Women don't have penises".

Please adjust accordingly so as to avoid fines and/or prison.

In case you think I'm exaggerating:

1) Merseyside Police: Watch out, hate crime can land you in prison.

2) Merseyside Police: We are investigating the posting of the sentence "Women don't have penises" as a hate crime.
Read 20 tweets

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