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Feb 15th 2018
18: The number of times a firearm has discharged a live round on a school campus in the U.S. in the first 45 days of 2018, according to @Everytown. Enough with the hollow "thoughts and prayers" from lawmakers. We need action. #StonemanShooting
Among the victims, 17 people are confirmed dead and 14 are injured. Others are still missing. #StonemanShooting
The Sandy Hook Massacre should have been a call to action but over 5 years later, here we are again, tweeting about another school shooting. #StonemanShooting
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Feb 15th 2018
1) Let me, a Broward schoolteacher near Marjory Stoneman Douglas, give a perspective on school shootings from the inside.
2) Once a year, my co-workers and I are birefed by a LEO on what to do if a gunman enters the school.

Inevitably, we listen to the stories of gun violence at similar schools.

I realize the LEO has given this spiel so much, it's automatic.
3) Rarely, an intimidating stranger will stroll purposefully down the main hallway of a school.

They are either a pissed-off parent, the plainclothes cop you're expected to stop in a drill, or the man who'll orphan your children.

Read 11 tweets
Feb 14th 2018
1/ THREAD: I often get attacked by extremists who see any attempt to improve safety and gun laws as a gun ban. As a gun owner, I believe we should lead efforts to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them

#StonemanShooting #EnoughIsEnough #GunControl #Parkland ‪1/ THREAD: I often get attacked by extremists who see any attempt to improve safety and gun laws as a gun ban. As a gun owner, I believe we should lead efforts to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them‬<br />
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‪#StonemanShooting #EnoughIsEnough #GunControl #Parkland‬
2/ No law can stop all crime. What laws do (like laws against running red lights) is give law enforcement a way to enforce and prosecute.

Here are a few ideas to improve safety and gun laws.

#StonemanShooting #EnoughIsEnough #GunControl #Parkland
3/ Require all transfers via FFL's. Without a background check, non-licensed sellers can't know if a buyer is prohibited from buying a gun. Only 9 states and DC require background checks on private sales of all guns.

#StonemanShooting #EnoughIsEnough #GunControl #Parkland ‪3/ Require all transfers via FFL's. Without a background check, non-licensed sellers can't know if a buyer is prohibited from buying a gun. Only 9 states and DC require background checks on private sales of all guns.‬<br />
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‪#StonemanShooting #EnoughIsEnough #GunControl #Parkland‬
Read 14 tweets
Feb 14th 2018
Reports of multiple casualties in US shooting at Florida school in Parkland
.@browardsheriff says "Shooter is now in custody. Scene is still active."
"So far we have at least 14 victims. Victims have been and continue to be transported to Broward Health Medical Center and Broward Health North hospital." according to @browardsheriff #StonemanShooting Image
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