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Nov 6th 2022
Good morning everyone 🌸 🌞 🌸
Happy Sunday I hope your morning is good so far,I've taken Ozzie out in the downpour he was not impressed 🀣.
I think we have to accept there is no such thing as a ministerial code now, @GavinWilliamson being the latest to have broken it with no
Repercussions, sacked for unauthorised disclosure of information from the national security Committee,so yet another security risk, not only being accused! but admitted by MP'S, he a misogynistic bully throwing a tantrum,let's reflect on what @RishiSunak said a matter of days ago
"Integrity", "professionalism" and "Accountability" @RishiSunak knew about the bullying but gave him a job anyway,so we now have two known security risks in cabinet. @RishiSunak was aware of this,such is his blatant disregard for the ministerial code ,unfortunately we have no
Read 4 tweets
Oct 31st 2022
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UK Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, says there is an #invasion happening on the south coast of the UK. Here's five things you should bare in mind:

🧡A thread:

1) It is NOT - nor has it ever been - illegal to cross the English Channel, and refugees are neither "migrants" nor "invaders."
2) Under International law, anyone has the right to apply for asylum in any country that signed 1951 Convention - and to remain there until the authorities have assessed their claim.
Read 7 tweets

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