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Good morning everyone 🌸 🌞🌸
What a week its been.
The Tories are continuing their gaslighting and lying ,some things never change.
I'm hoping everyone understands the INDEPENDENT pay review is NOT! I'll repeat NOT! independent ,
It will not cost Β£28 billion to give essential
Services a decent payrise.
In actual fact it's approx Β£14 billion.
where is Michelle Mone? Could she could pay back the money she stole?, then we could pay essential services a decent payrise.
It's time for change, it's time for a #GeneralElectionNow #EnoughlsEnough
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Good morning everyone 🌸🌞🌸
Today is day five of holding this odious government to account
Strikes are not just about pay it's about conditions,poverty,job security,royal mail cannot afford to give their workers a payrise but did however give their shareholders and managers
Β£600 million in 2022,there's no money however for the people who actually do the work,walking in all winds and weather's.
It's hideous that Sunak even suggested that nurses, paramedics, postal workers, railway staff, border force staff are our enemies, they are fighting for all
Of us,
we should be grateful,they are willing to fight for every disrespected worker in the UK.
Anyone suggesting the unions are "spoiling Christmas" needs to stop gaslighting this country.
This is a battle between the government and people who are concerned about surviving
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Good morning everyone 🌸 🌞 🌸
Day three of holding this odious government to account...
Michelle Mone I know we all know that name now but there's so much more to this woman than just her apparently stealing money from the tax payer when this country was at its most vunerable
For a hundred years,it would seem as if she didn't just take our money once but twice during the pandemic,
Two companies Medpro,the second was a secret entity of the office of her husband Barrowman.
Mome should have declared any conflict if interest,she should have informed the
Cabinet Office of Barrowman's financial interest in PPE Medpro,
Gove says he cannot recall her doing that.
Barrowman admitted that he has an unspecified interest he apparently declared this to the cabinet office,actually Mone should have done that ,it would appear she didn't!.
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Good morning everyone 🌸 🌞🌸
Yesterday was both a happy and sad day for me.
What an amazing response to #FoodBankDayNov30 πŸ‘β€οΈ
but how sad that we need it in a modern Britain one of the richest countries in the world,the one thing that stood out for me was how many amazing kind
People there are in the uk,caring, compassionate kind people highlighting the failure of this government.
"Compassionate conservatives" they are not!.
"Compassionate community" is something to be proud of.
We are #StrongerTogether ✊️ spread the ❀️ spread the kindness
No matter
How small your donation it all matters,we should never accept people being cold and hungry.
#EnoughIsEnough #GeneralElectionNow #ToriesThisIsOnYou #ToriesOut146
@threadreaderapp please unroll
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Good morning everyone 🌸🌞🌸
Waiting for the autumn statement tomorrow is causing so much anxiety,we already have children going hungry in a country that's one of the richest in the world, MP'S have their food,their alcohol, council tax ,rent,energy bills paid for by the very
Families this children belong to,a third of children in the uk living in poverty, 1 in 3,for every class of thirty children in any classroom ten will come from a family living in poverty,lots of these children have working parents, RS talks about growth,prosperity,jobs, but these
Families have jobs,the Tories have destroyed this countries finances, essential services,they actively encourage facism and racism,they brought us poverty and hopelessness, things are going to get worse so much worse the only answer is a #GeneralElectionNow we need a government
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@RishiSunak when are you seriously going to act like a PM? you are not my first or second choice but for now we are stuck with you,I'm serious when I ask when is integrity,professionalism and Accountability coming into your government?,your a liar,just like Johnson you said you
Didn't know about @GavinWilliamson well I'm calling you a liar,it's just one more thing you've been trying to get away with,your sad apparently that @GavinWilliamson resigned,you should have sacked him,you left him in office knowing full well he is misogynistic and a bully,you
Knew he was terrorising people in office over years,not days,not months, but years,did you extend your sorrow to the people who were bullied,NO! Your not fit for office,your not fit to lead this country,you only have a small window to impress I'm sure you know that, you have
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Watching a lady on talk TV trying to make a point, being reduced to tears defending the legal asylum seekers made me swallow really hard ,I fought hard to hold back the tears,this government has divided this country in to two,they are racists and there are compassionate caring
People,both sides argue their point,the right wing use name calling as a tool over and over again when they are trying to force opinions down people's throats,I myself am a tofu eating wokerati who firmly believes that every human being has a right to basics in life
Food,warmth, compassion, understanding,Protection.its not about being leftt or right it's about right and wrong,I've said this before I'll keep saying it,this government is deliberately causing anger and racism in this country using derogatory words to stir hatred and racism
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Good morning everyone 🌸 🌞 🌸
Happy Sunday I hope your morning is good so far,I've taken Ozzie out in the downpour he was not impressed 🀣.
I think we have to accept there is no such thing as a ministerial code now, @GavinWilliamson being the latest to have broken it with no
Repercussions, sacked for unauthorised disclosure of information from the national security Committee,so yet another security risk, not only being accused! but admitted by MP'S, he a misogynistic bully throwing a tantrum,let's reflect on what @RishiSunak said a matter of days ago
"Integrity", "professionalism" and "Accountability" @RishiSunak knew about the bullying but gave him a job anyway,so we now have two known security risks in cabinet. @RishiSunak was aware of this,such is his blatant disregard for the ministerial code ,unfortunately we have no
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Good morning everyone 🌸 🌞 🌸
What is wrong with @SuellaBraverman?using a Chinnock helicopter to visit Manston does she think it's impressive? What is she trying to portray?This fits with her ridiculous "invasion" remark
Making asylum seekers feel that we see them as
Enemies,it's is so distasteful.
Learning that asylum seekers have been abandoned at Victoria Station with no food/money literally abandoned is absolutely awful the @Conservatives are saying this was a mistake,NO ! This is a deliberate ploy by the @Conservatives for what reason is
Beyond my understanding,have they been found have they been taken somewhere safe and secure? Learning that a 12 year old boy has been raped while staying in a hotel is πŸ’” #ToriesThisIsOnYou it has been brought to @SuellaBraverman attention that children are unsupervised in these
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Good morning everyone 🌸 🌞 🌸
Apologies for my absence yesterday but...
I wanted to say was well done! everyone for tweeting, retweeting,commenting,and bringing to attention the inhumane treatment of fellow human beings at Manston, everyone's talking about it and things are
Already changing we all had a part to play and play our part we did.
@RhonddaBryant has always come across to me as a decent, honest, honourable man with integrity, he is passionate about people and issues important to him,when he brought to everyone's attention the barbaric
Bullying that happened I'm sure lots of us were hopeful that people would be reprimanded for their behaviour and steps taken to stop this happening,but alas it was not to be, @LindsayHoyle_MP has stated he has investigated and there's nothing to see here,I am somewhat puzzled,
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While everyone has asylum seekers in their minds and mouths let's talk facts,truthful not the ones the government spread along with their drama and lies, the current situation has been caused 1,000% by the government's inadequacy at doing their job in an efficient manner,while
I have no regard for @SuellaBraverman this cannot be laid entirely at her feet,@pritipatel was in the job until very recently so the complete failures start with her,@SuellaBraverman is just continuing the complete lack of effort to do their job in even a basic manner,these poor
People are stuck in this situation because of this government,the Rwanda policy is just people smuggling something this government says is the biggest problem,Marston is only a very temporary place for these people to start the process, a process that can take over a year,it
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Good morning everyone 🌸 🌞 🌸
Happy 1st November
As more information comes out of government its obvious its even worse at Manston where a report about the conditions was prepared in July, over 3 months ago,but it took a petrol bomb,for people to finally talk about it,people
Sleeping on camping mats including little children,an inspector of prisons did the inspection he said the government should get a grip! They can't use the toilet without permission,they aren't allowed their phones,they can't access fresh air where 75% would be given permission to
Stay if they were processed, let's look at the @Conservatives response @SuellaBraverman saying this is an invasion on the south coast 😳 what an awful dramatic way to describe it but it gets the desired affect doesn't it, people up in arms about people some of who are trying to
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Good morning everyone 🌸🌞🌸
@RishiSunak doesn't like his family being attacked eg: his wife's nomdom status but we all know he's going to attack ours from every angel with his leadership and budget,they ask why were angry,it makes no difference what colour you are ,what religion
You are,if your a good honest person with integrity and honour that's what matters,considering @SuellaBraverman is back spreading her toxic views for anyone willing to listen it's just more of the same,honestly #EnoughIsEnough #DemocracyMatters #GeneralElectionNow #ToriesOut1112
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Austerity has led to excess deaths through poverty. Austerity has led to David Cameron’s Big Society Actually meaning #FoodBankBritain. And it’s not just the unemployed using food banks. Wages for hard working people is so poor, and inflation so high that teachers and nurses are
using them to feed their families too. #FoodBankTories
The #Tories have run down schools and run down the #NHS. Schools aren’t properly supported or ventilated. Staff turnover is ridiculously high. Burnout is commonplace.
The #NHS has been deliberately run down in order to justify selling it off. #Covid was deliberately mismanaged to justify selling the #NHS off. Billions of pounds were given to Track and Trace during the pandemic while Nurses and Doctors of colour were forced into frontline
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Good morning everyone 🌸 🌞 🌸
In 49 days! yes 49 days we've had 3 Prime minister's,never has a more powerful man been in Parliament than @RishiSunak they can't vote him out, can you imagine a fourth PM in days ,they have not thought this through,they are going to be sorry very
Sorry,unfortunately because of their mistakes I fear we will too,charter cities are my biggest fear along with the destruction of the NHS,a man who lost billions of Β£ through fraud,PPE,a lack of appropriate insurance,a wife who was nom dom,BTW its only suspended she can reinstate
Any time she may already have,who knows,we need and deserve a #GeneralElectionNow that's what democracy is #DemocracyMatters
#EnoughIsEnough remember #ToriesThisIsOnYou "at haste repent at leisure" I fear they've made a big big mistake,one we will pay for dearly.#ToriesOut110
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I'm not going to say his name I don't want it either in my brain or my tweet ,but I have to be honest I can't think of him without thinking of #partygate,all my emotions of my brothers death cascade over me like a fuc...g waterfall will I ever be at peace?. will he and they ever
Stop rubbing our faces in it ,laughing at us ,it so heartbreaking that I just can't disconnect my emotions from him and #partygate I'll never be able to move on, he keeps me stuck in this cycle of pain,for what?, a party obviously unfit to govern!,I just want to greive for a man
My brother ❀️
He never harmed anyone,he was a gentle soul who only ever did good,if they bring him back we have to understand exactly what that means,for me it means I am a nobody to them,I have no value, my life is meaningless,insignificant to them,why don't they care!,why won't
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Just to save everyone the time (not being funny it's getting boring and irritating) yes I've read the forde report,yes I've seen the labour files,anyone who is trying to discredit the @UKLabour to me is wasting their time,I will be voting @UKLabour in the General election.
No there's no doubt in my mind,no I don't need educating,I'm a big grownup girl who actually has a mind of her own,now let's talk about the important issue that are affecting our country. #costoflivingcrisis or more appropriately #CostOfGreedCrisis the fact that #DemocracyMatters
Democracy is being destroyed,has anyone taken the time to see what really happened in government yesterday?. #ToriesThisIsOnYou #ToriesOut105 #WhoVotedForThis we didn't, it's time for a #GeneralElectionNow time to put the country before the party @Conservatives.
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I'm so sick of the childish immature @Conservatives throwing mud,people in glasshouses shouldn't thrown stones,how most of them even have the audacity to even show their face is beyond my understanding,the fourth chancellor in how long ,hand holding an obviously out of her depth
Prime Minister what now?.
I'm so concerned for this country,the constant changes within the @Conservatives are impossible to keep up with, not only policies but top MP'S,They blame the world economy knowing that's not true,how much more are we expected to take,it's so ridiculous,
It's so frightening,the Anxiety from not knowing from one day to the next what the government decisions are,how are our lives going to be messed up,how can you make plans never knowing,can we afford our mortgage?, can we afford our rent?,can pay our energy bills?,can we afford to
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Austerity is now definitely coming back, 2022 is going to be remembered as the year the @Conservatives put the finishing touches to destroying our country, we will never recover from this unless an immediate #GeneralElectionNow is called #EnoughIsEnough @trussliz is worse than
Johnson who ever thought that was possible not me,@Jeremy_Hunt saying we have difficult decisions to make, NO! @Jeremy_Hunt the decision is easy #GeneralElectionNow it's time the citezens of the United Kingdom had their say, that's what democracy is, as for @trussliz you can say
She's not up to the job along with some quite disgusting things but you voted her in #ToriesThisIsOnYou,it's time the people of the uk were allowed to democratically vote in who we want to run our once great country #GeneralElectionNow
#EnoughlsEnough #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry
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It's Friday let's end this week on a whole bunch of questions.
Why are children being deprived of free school meals if their parents income is more that Β£7,400 take home pay a year,that's Β£125 a week,why? #ToriesThisIsOnYou
Why is the only thing @KwasiKwarteng can say
At the dispatch box is #antigrowthcoalition when he is challenged,why not an adult debate? #ToriesThisIsOnYou
Why are energy prices gone up 215% while in France they've gone up by 4% #ToriesThisIsOnYou
Why do the @Conservatives believe giving money to the rich is incentive
Rich need a payrise to work harder
Poor need a pay cut to work harder.
Home insulation for homes has been cut exponentially since 2012
Why @Conservatives?
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The @Conservatives infighting is ridiculous you voted her in!
she told you before she was elected what she was going to do,did you assume she was lying like the majority of you?.
she's destroyed the Β£, mortgage rates have soared,the bank of England had to bail the government
62 billion deficit, how are you going to find that?,no matter how much they lie we all know their going to cut public spending,haven't we suffered enough, isn't it way past time for #GeneralElectionNow #WhoVotedForThis we didn't #ToriesThisIsOnYou do the right thing
#GeneralElectionNow #EnoughIsEnough it's time you listened to the citezens of this countrry,#EnoughIsEnough seriously don't make us suffer anymore,Truss is going to u turn again isn't she,honestly get this πŸ’© show gone #EnoughIsEnough #GeneralElectionNow
I support all the
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I detest this government and everything they stand for,I detest their lack of integrity, I detest their lack of honesty,I detest their lack of honour,I detest everything about their #AntiGrowthCoalition I detest their lies,I detest their obvious distane for the vunerable. #GTTO
I detest the obvious disregard for human life,I detest how they only value the rich and powerful,I detest how they openly lie to cover the lies and corruption,I detest how they supported Johnson and partygate,I detest how their supporting @trussliz @KwasiKwarteng in destroying
Our economy,I detest how they had to be bailed out by the Bank of England,I detest how they weren't concerned about old people's pension,I detest how they've broken people's mortgages,I detest most of all how they just don't care,I detest how unless your rich or a donor your not
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