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Mar 9th 2018
Yet again, msm is wasting time with a standard framework to analyze a #PutinPuppet development. So, #WhatWouldPutinDo? Well, if you saw the @RichardEngel special last Friday, then you know that Putin gave Kim the ICBMs he's been testing; well, Kim's fresh out...
1/, time to do something else, particularly because it's Putin's threat of #sanctions that matters. See, there's a fleet of freighters regularly sailing from #Vladivostok to nowhere specific - just out to sea... Where they turn off their transponder... Which is what the...
...Kim regime has been surviving on. So, why would Kim suddenly offer a weapons freeze for talks? Because Putin wants his puppet to survive the midterms (remember: flip Congress = impeachment). To get him votes, what could be better than the #KabukiTheatre of DT *saving*...
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