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Dec 16th 2020
Time for a little thread on SolarWinds $SWI which has been hacked by Russia’s FSB, APT P29, commonly known as Cozy Bear.

The hackers embedded code that allows access to databases of the many clients SolarWinds sells to, including USG & 425 of the Fortune 500.

Sunday, Arapaho was kind enough to tag me in on the breaking development.
I’ll share her great thread, then dive into some breaking news, then wrap with a bit of info from investor analysts.
Long story short, this is a 🚨 DISASTER OF EPIC PROPORTIONS 🚨.

General McCaffrey is not a word mincer.
He’s directly calling out Trump here. 🆘
Read 21 tweets
Mar 9th 2018
Yet again, msm is wasting time with a standard framework to analyze a #PutinPuppet development. So, #WhatWouldPutinDo? Well, if you saw the @RichardEngel special last Friday, then you know that Putin gave Kim the ICBMs he's been testing; well, Kim's fresh out...
1/, time to do something else, particularly because it's Putin's threat of #sanctions that matters. See, there's a fleet of freighters regularly sailing from #Vladivostok to nowhere specific - just out to sea... Where they turn off their transponder... Which is what the...
...Kim regime has been surviving on. So, why would Kim suddenly offer a weapons freeze for talks? Because Putin wants his puppet to survive the midterms (remember: flip Congress = impeachment). To get him votes, what could be better than the #KabukiTheatre of DT *saving*...
Read 4 tweets

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