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May 4th 2021
1/. "They came expecting a verdict...hoping for justice"

Amnesty Turkey's ex-chair, #TanerKilic has been awaiting justice for almost 4yrs

We found out the verdict in his case could be given soon

If his conviction is confirmed he’ll be sent back to jail.
2/. “We’re responsible not only for what we say but what we fail to say by staying silent"

Absurdly, #TanerKilic has already spent more than a year behind bars

In 2018, @snowden was one of two million people who demanded his release
3/. “It feels like a bad dream from which I can’t to wake up”

I met Gulhnihal, #TanerKilic’s daughter, outside the Istanbul courtroom where her father was convicted - without evidence - of “membership of a terrorist organisation”

The nightmare continues.
Read 4 tweets
Apr 6th 2021
1/. EU Leaders @CharlesMichel & @vonderleyen are meeting #Turkey’s President Erdoğan today

This comes as it was revealed that the prosecutor in the trial of @amnesty’s honorary Turkey Chair, #TanerKilic, has requested that the court uphold his conviction…
2/. If the court upholds #TanerKilic’s conviction, he’ll be taken back to jail to serve the rest of his 6yr jail term

He’s already been behind bars for 1+ years

This despite the fact not a SHREAD of evidence has been produced of any criminal wrong doing.
3/. "We’re responsible not only for what we say but what we fail to say by staying silent"

In 2018 when #TanerKilic was in jail, @snowden joined 2m people to demand his release

They included @aiww @itspetergabriel @OfficialSting @BiancaJagger @DavidLammy
Read 6 tweets
Jan 24th 2021

Cameroon: Cross River gorilla 🦍

China: Red panda 🐼

Borneo: Orangutan 🐒

Turkey: Human rights lawyers🧟‍♀️

My @amnesty piece looking at the situation facing independent lawyers in #Turkey for today’s intn’l #DayOfTheEndangeredLawyer…
"If lawyers lose their voice, citizens lose their breath"

According to @ArrestedLawyers, since 2016, #Turkey has prosecuted 1,600+ lawyers & detained 615

450 lawyers have been sentenced to a total of 2,786 years

Cartoons by @LatuffCartoons (& me)!
To mark #DayoftheEndangeredLawyer we're hosting a
panel of human rights in conversation with @mehvesevin

Monday, 7pm (Turkey time)

They will discuss the risks lawyers in Turkey face & look at the Büyükada & Özgür Gündem trials

To register visit…
Read 7 tweets
Jul 3rd 2020
#BREAKING: Awful news from Turkey.

Despite a shred of evidence Taner Kılıç, Amnesty Turkey's honorary Chair, has been convicted for membership of a terrorist organization. Özlem and Günal convicted for assisting.

We will appeal & we won’t give up until all are acquitted.
"It feels like a bad dream from which I'm waiting to wake up."

This was Gulhnihal, the daughter of #TanerKilic, when I met her in January 2018.

Today her father was convicted of “membership of a terrorist organisation”. The nightmare continues.
"From the start, this has been a politically-motivated trial aiming to silence those in the dock & send a message to the rest of society: fight for human rights or speak the truth at your peril.” Idil Eser ex-@aforgutu Director. By @amnesty Nils Muiznieks.…
Read 9 tweets
May 17th 2018
Next month we will mark the 1st anniversary of the imprisonment of @Amnesty's #TanerKilic. He is being held on absurd "terrorism" charges.

For more than 5 decades, Amnesty has campaigned to free prisoners of conscience in #Turkey. Including writers, politicians etc. #FreeTaner
In 1964, #Turkey's former president, Celal Bayar, wrote to @amnesty from jail to thank us for campaigning for his release.

Next month we will mark a year in prison for Amnesty Turkey's honorary chair #TanerKilic. #FreeTaner #FreeRightsDefenders
“We will be free together
We will struggle together
We will win together.”
Politician, author & sociologist, Behice Boran, was an @Amnesty Prisoner of Conscience in #Turkey in 1973. Today Amnesty #Turkey's honorary chair has been in jail for almost a year. #FreeTaner #TanerKilic
Read 9 tweets
Oct 27th 2017
1/10. "The Joy of Freedom". The #Istanbul10 were released in early hours of Thursday morning after 113 days in jail. Where are they now?
2/10. Günal Kurşun is back with his family. Before he was jailed, Günal had never heard his son say his newest word: "Daddy" #Istanbul10
3/10. İdil Eser is back in her Istanbul flat with her cats Misha, Sasha and Kiki. They were very pleased to see her…
Read 11 tweets

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