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Oct 3rd 2022
👐 Introducing Playwrite for @playdate

A dock and software combo that let you use the gorgeous screen of the Playdate for all your slow-tech typing needs, using a #teensy microcontroller and a bit of hackery.

The dock charges the Playdate – of course, and can also be used to play games with a keyboard or third party controller, so you can Executive Golf on your executive desk, using the input method that you're most comfortable with.

No bluetooth at the moment, but that's doable too.
Here are a few more pictures before this thread dives into the details of how it was made 🤿 (after a short break) Playdate console sitting in...The 3D-printed, yellow dock...A picture of the backside o...Picture of the Playdate sit...
Read 24 tweets
Nov 29th 2021
This December, enjoy 24 days of tasty #FPGA treats.
Follow @WillFlux to open them all. 🎁 FPGA Advent Calendar 2021 p...
💥Day 1: Doom iCEBreaker Edition

An iCE40UP #FPGA is tiny, with just 5000 logic cells, but that didn't stop Sylvain Munaut from running Doom. The design uses a @1bitsquared iCEBreaker board with added SPI ram.

Source:… 1993 Doom title screen over...System block diagram showin...
@1bitsquared ⛵️Day 2: VexRiscv FPU

I've long wanted an FPGA-friendly #RISCV core with FPU. @SpinalHDL granted my wish this year by adding IEEE 754 support to VexRiscv. It now supports float and double with single-cycle FADD, FSUB, FMUL, and FMADD.

Source:… VexRiscv FPU design showing...
Read 25 tweets

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