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Jan 1st 2023
As all of us head right into the #NewYear2023 together, ladies and gentlemen, I will reflect us back on my first FIVE (5) years on Twitter in regards of my own limited-color #pixelart palettes that I created during that time, from #AAP64 (2017) to #DGA16 (2022). 😊💖

🧵 (01/12)
October 10, 2017. The day that when I signed onto Twitter myself for the very first time, I immediately launched my very first-ever palette weighing in at just 64 colors.

It was called #AAP64, and it was a HUGE runaway success on my first three (3) days on Twitter!!! 🤯

Immediately riding the tsunami of sheer success on Twitter indeed, I forwarded ahead with my first 16-color palette that I had made that same 2017 year called #AAP16, which was simply designed for beginners who want to get their feet wet in the world of pixel artistry...

Read 13 tweets
Nov 29th 2021
This December, enjoy 24 days of tasty #FPGA treats.
Follow @WillFlux to open them all. 🎁 FPGA Advent Calendar 2021 p...
💥Day 1: Doom iCEBreaker Edition

An iCE40UP #FPGA is tiny, with just 5000 logic cells, but that didn't stop Sylvain Munaut from running Doom. The design uses a @1bitsquared iCEBreaker board with added SPI ram.

Source:… 1993 Doom title screen over...System block diagram showin...
@1bitsquared ⛵️Day 2: VexRiscv FPU

I've long wanted an FPGA-friendly #RISCV core with FPU. @SpinalHDL granted my wish this year by adding IEEE 754 support to VexRiscv. It now supports float and double with single-cycle FADD, FSUB, FMUL, and FMADD.

Source:… VexRiscv FPU design showing...
Read 25 tweets
Jul 13th 2019
Thread: I promised to cover the rest of the hardware as well. Well, here is Part 2 of my #C64 #hardware.

Part 1 can be found here:

#C64hardware 1/
Lets start with the EasyFlash. It is modern hardware designed by skoe.…
It has 1MiB of FLASH and you can upload CRT images with software to it using an SD2IEC or even a 1541 when you split the data.

#C64hardware 2/
It comes with software to create CRT bundles of software and create a menu to select the PRG you want. I have a SID collection on it...

#C64hardware 3/
Read 36 tweets
Jul 11th 2019
Thread: I'm a little bit bored, so let's talk a while about my #C64 #hardware collection, shall we? This setup is my #C64 workhorse. It is a German C64C equipped with a car TFT, two 1541-II floppies and it came with a 4x kernal switch.

#C64hardware 1/
The kernal switch gives me access to three other kernals beside the original C= kernal: JiffyDOS, SpeedDOS Plus and EXOSv3.

#C64hardware 2/
The alternative kernals include nice stuff like F-key functions for listing discs and speedloaders. Although I'm told JiffyDOS is the best(tm) speedloader I tend to use EXOSv3 most. A PRG with 81 block is loaded in 6s instead of 53s!

#C64hardware 3/
Read 31 tweets
Jan 12th 2017
Pen plotter symphony #plottertwitter
Box fitting, filling, time lapse #plottertwitter
Box fitting, white gel pen on black paper. I need to find a better way to pause/resume plots #plottertwitter
Read 97 tweets

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