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Mar 15th 2022
Yesterday @vijaygajera wrote a thread on Sonia Gandhi and her activism . Continuing with issue raised by Vijay, lets expand on the info shared by Vijay & what it tells us about the politics of Sonia Gandhi & the subservient attitude of media vis-a-vis her!
It was on Nov6 of 2012 when @vijayvaani maam's article titled "Sonia Gandhi on Kashmir secession body" was published by @indiabtl detailing her involvement with the Forum of Democratic Leaders in the Asia-Pacific (FDL-AP) - weblink…
The said article by @vijayvaani maam claimed that FDL-AP is funded by Soros Foundation, Kim Dae-Jung Peace Foundation, Olof Palme International Center, and Naumann Foundation. It further claimed that the Secretariat of the org was in Seoul & their India office was set up in Sep95
Read 17 tweets
Mar 13th 2022
“Watershed” is generally described as an imp event that marks the beginning of something new or different. Indian nationstate is often cited as a finest example of a country thriving in its diversity & blah blah but in reality post 47 India was reduced by Nehru to a statist state
In the name of rebuilding India, Nehru cleverly converted the state into a statist state- where soviet style economic planning decided as to who will get to produce what, where and also the prices to sell at; they even decided about who will grow what and where……
Nehruvian statist governance robbed mineral rich states of their progress and committed the crime of century on the states like Bihar and Odisha by something that was known as Freight Equalisation Policy- ostensibly a brainchild of TTK but a Nehruvian project, through n through !
Read 25 tweets
Mar 12th 2022
Booked my tickets for #TheKashmirFiles

And i am already feeling choked,gamut of emotions running through me .

Hope i Survive it .
Saw #TheKashmirFilesmovie
A hardhitting ,raw, gritty film jolting your conscience like never b4

I was seething with raw anger ,expletives coming out of my mouth (shocked at myself)
How could a Nation like us let it happen under our watch
Are we so Spineless as a society ❓
The truth which will explode your mind and consciousness

A Secular Country which did not rise to protect its own People

A Democratic Govt which turned its back on its own People

State Govt which was complicit ,abetted the terrorists and ran away abroad instead of Governing
Read 13 tweets

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