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Feb 8th 2020
In blind pursuit of #ThirdTerm, 82 y.o @PresidentConde is driving Guinea Conakry headlong into a terrible denouement. He has just shuttered the borders, ordered imports banned, allowing only exports. He's preparing extreme measures against popular rejection of his #ThirdTerm
When Col. Lansana Conte was President of Guinea, @PresidentConde was the opposition leader. He was exiled, detained, claimed to be a democrat. We lawyered for his freedom. Now, he's proving to be a much worse despot than his predecessor cld have dared.

In the past month, @ecowas_cedeao & @UN_UNOWAS have sought to engage @PresidentConde to explore a diplomatic solution to the unfolding #3rdTermCrisisGuinea, but he has made himself un-cooperative or unavailable. The options are closing real fast.
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