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May 29th 2019
Gemeinsam für Vielfalt, #gemeinsambunt!
Jetzt startet in der #Neuköllneroper das Benefizkonzert gegen Homophobie, Transphobie & Ausgrenzung. Neben dem Bezirksbürgermeister von #Neukölln, @martinhikel sind auch unser Vize sowie die Kolleg. vom #LKA, Anne & Sebastian dabei.
^tsm Image
"Danke an die Polizei, dass hier #LSBTI 🌈 so gut geschützt werden! Danke an Anne und Sebastian (vom #LKA) dass sie das hier auf die Beine gestellt haben!" Seyran Ateş Image
Read 4 tweets
May 17th 2018
I’ve tried to be open about my struggles with anxiety.

But if you don’t know anyone with a diagnosed anxiety disorder, you might not have a real understanding of what that means.

Here’s what it’s like for me to live with anxiety.
(2)Child abuse survivors often develop anxiety disorders as a result of prolonged trauma.

Imagine living years in a home where you never felt safe. Where the only person you could trust was you.

That anxiety plants seeds that blossom in adulthood & poison intimate relationships
(3) In addition to sabotaging relationships, this created a crushing sense of self blame and a relentless need for perfection. If anything went wrong, I should have known better. I should have edged out of that room when I smelled alcohol on his breathe.

My fault. Mine.
Read 10 tweets

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