But if you don’t know anyone with a diagnosed anxiety disorder, you might not have a real understanding of what that means.
Here’s what it’s like for me to live with anxiety.
Imagine living years in a home where you never felt safe. Where the only person you could trust was you.
That anxiety plants seeds that blossom in adulthood & poison intimate relationships
My fault. Mine.
From the moment I open my eyes in the morning, my thoughts are like a runaway freight train. My brain is so busy & loud, I wonder that people can’t hear it, furiously churning through to do lists
I am incapable of being in the moment
That hectic anxious rush will rattle around in my brain and my chest the whole rest of the day.
If I don’t get the bag I’m used to at the gym, I’ll spend the whole class agitated. I need to be close to the door with no one behind me.
This need for control makes it hard for me to be in public spaces.
For me, it’s my kids being sick. Even a small sniffle sends me into a tailspin of panic. I develop chronic insomnia and, embarrassingly, paranoia.
Don’t look me in the eye. Sit close so I can feel your normal breath. Just talk. About the sky or your day or a movie.
Somewhere in those moments, I will find my calm & match my breath to yours
And to normalize mental health. It’s as important for us to keep our minds healthy as it is to see a doctor or a dentist. Everyone struggles sometimes.