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Jul 28th 2020
Instead of the jobs he promised, #LyingTrump has presided over one of the worst economic disasters in American history. Since he became President: 7.8 million jobs have been lost — including 7,100 coal mining jobs and 274,000 manufacturing jobs. (1/10)…
Instead of the “phenomenal” healthcare he promised, we have an out-of-control pandemic caused by a total failure in public health leadership, a growing death toll—and even Trump death panels. #TrumpTheGrifter is still pushing #hydroxycholorquine? (2/10)…
Instead of reducing the $19.9T debt he inherited to zero like he promised, #LyingTrump’s policies ballooned the deficit and sent the debt soaring to $24T in his first 3 years. The #TrumpCrash of 2020 exploded the debt further, to the current $26.5T. (3/10)
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