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Oct 16th 2020
Trump went dark after his "Town Hall" unless he's going to go on a late-night Twitter rant which is always a possibility.

I spoke too soon. He's warming up with some retweets!
Trump is in vindictive mode right now, retweeting trashy tweets about Biden from 2-3 days ago. It's like he had a bad night at the Town Hall, came home & out of spite logged into Twitter to retweet garbage about Biden. We see Trump's psychopathology play out daily on Twitter!
Read 4 tweets
Nov 28th 2018
A bit more from the Rucker/Dawsey interview with Trump this afternoon..and oh boy, this is really something! #TuesdayThoughts #TrumpIsCrazy #10thCircleOfHell…
2/"President Trump said he is considering a backup plan if Congress rejects his demand for $5 billion in funding for his border wall, potentially including the continued use of troops and razor wire to prevent migrants from entering the country.Trump’s remarks, made Tuesday
3/"during an Oval Office interview with The Washington Post, are a sign that he could be softening his position on the issue ahead of a Dec. 7 deadline. Trump had previously declared that he was willing to force a partial government shutdown if lawmakers did not agree to the $5
Read 19 tweets

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