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Oct 29th 2019
As today is - once again - going to be about early General Elections, and an argument about 9 or 12 December to hold that election, here's a thread explaining all of it

#Brexit #UKGE19
In short there are 4 reasons for the argument about the date:
1️⃣ Dissolution
2️⃣ Withdrawal Agreement Bill (WAB)
3️⃣ Students and terms, and turnout
4️⃣ Return of Parliament
I will deal with each in turn
1️⃣ Dissolution

The argument is practical. For an election 9 Dec, dissolution will have to happen Fri 1 Nov (this week):

Can all stages of the Bill pass Commons and Lords by then?

Dissolution Tue 5 Nov means earliest Wed 11 Dec election
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