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Sep 13th 2019
Very interesting findings from @Survation poll of attitudes to climate change and the #netzero transformation… - raises questions for government, commentators, broadcasters and environment groups
First result - 64% think #UKnetzero date should be brought forward from 2050 (vs 9% who want it later or not at all). Chimes with letter signed by (now) 193 MPs, co-ordinated by @SimonClarkeMP, which called for date "before 2050" Image
...which is fine - except the Committee on Climate Change @theCCCuk concluded in its Net Zero report…: 'The Committee do not currently consider it credible to aim to reach net-zero emissions earlier than 2050'. And it is the official advisor to Government
Read 14 tweets
Jul 19th 2019
Great discussion on climate change, Australia's record the EU experience and #UKnetzero @ABCthedrum today with @AnikaMolesworth, @KetanJ0, Aylin Cunsolo, @tony_r_wood & @EwenJonesNQ
Couple of additional things. Costs of decarbonisation came up - here's a recent blog we carried on @ECIU_UK where @RozPidcock shows why it's proven cheaper than government advisor @theCCCuk estimated…
Secondly, many thanks to @ellenfanning for mentioning my recent book on the rise and fall of the UK's climate contrarians. Available here… #TheDrum Image
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