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Aug 31st 2021
In case you didn’t know, there’s a very fun way to get more bang for your buck when using particle systems and custom shaders: custom vertex streams!

Let’s take a look at what these are, and how we can use them for more advanced particle effects! 🧵

@HarryAlisavakis #unitytips
@HarryAlisavakis As you already know, rendered models in Unity are made with triangles which consist of vertices. And vertices hold all essential information regarding these models, like their individual position, their UV coordinates or their vertex color!
The cool thing is that we can add any sort of arbitrary data to our vertices and use it in our custom shader however we like ✨ That’s what custom vertex streams in particle systems allow us to do: pass particle-related information to our vertices that we can use as we please!
Read 12 tweets
Jan 19th 2020
As I journey back to #Lagos, the nightmare of #traffic dawn on me again. Trying to seek solution instead of complain, I noticed the major reoccurring cause of traffic is bottleneck across junctions/turning, our junctions/turning are not well planned. #FERMA @tundefashola @nitpng
I studied #URP & one of the fundamentals of #TransportationPlanning is to avoid reduce the number junctions/turning especially along major transport corridor hence the need for service lane.@tundefashola @nitpng @Gidi_Traffic @trafficbutter @EniadeYomi @Mz_dholarike @abiolanoble
Since it's almost impossible to have reduced turnings and service lane on all transport corridors, I strongly feel the need to expand the U-turning points should be considered. It's the highest causing factor for traffic. @tundefashola
@ferma @nitpng @Gidi_Traffic @trafficbutter
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