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Feb 10th 2019
THREAD: This week, we pubbed an investigation revealing that Navy leaders ignored years of warnings.

Then, in 2017, two crashes killed 17 sailors.

Alarms had been sounded up and down the chain of command.

Here are some of the warnings we uncovered:
2/ 2012: Navy undersecretary Bob Work told senior officials at the Pentagon the Navy’s ships were being pushed too hard. He said they repeatedly rejected one such analysis:
3/ “He would send us back and say, ‘I don't believe the data,’” Work recalled. “We'd come back with more data. He'd say, ‘I still don't believe it.’”
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Feb 6th 2019
1/ Today, we published the story of what happened on board the Navy destroyer #USSFitzgerald during a deadly nighttime crash in 2017 that claimed 7 lives.
2/ It’s part 1 of a much longer investigation that @txtianmiller, @RobertFaturechi and @MegMcCloskey have been reporting on for more than a year.

And the story doesn’t end there.
@txtianmiller @RobertFaturechi @MegMcCloskey 3/ Part 2 will be an in-depth look at how the Navy ignored years of warnings from within its own ranks before this catastrophe.

In short: responsibility for the crash extends far beyond the Fitzgerald’s crew.

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Jan 9th 2018
#LIVE NOW: @NAVSURFOR VADM Tom Rowden speaks at #SNA2018
VADM Rowden: We are the preeminent Navy on the face of the Earth. We are the preeminent Surface Navy on the face of the Earth. That is not given, that is earned.
VADM Rowden: #SurForStrategy describes the return to #SeaControl, which is the timeless & universal purpose of the @USNavy. It also highlights the implementation of #DistributedLethality as an operational & organizational principle for achieving & sustaining sea control. #SNA2018
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