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Feb 25th 2023
It's dissertation unembargo day! My PhD dissy, "Controlling the Northern Seas: The Influence of Exclusive Economic Zones on the Development of
Norwegian, Danish, and Canadian Naval Forces," is now available:…

A quick guide follows: 1/7
First half (139 pages) consists of the theory chapters; discusses/defines #seapower, #seacontrol, and #smallnavies. Tries to unify different uses of those terms into something consistent. Almost Gorkan in its simplicity but the gruntwork keeps a measure of order in the chaos. 2/7
The second half is the juicy empirical stuff, going from 🇳🇴through 🇩🇰 to 🇨🇦. Basically establishes a century-long context (ships take a long time!) to see how constabulary seapower developed despite military demands. Here are some topics that aren't explicitly subheadinged: 3/7
Read 8 tweets
Jan 9th 2018
#LIVE NOW: @NAVSURFOR VADM Tom Rowden speaks at #SNA2018
VADM Rowden: We are the preeminent Navy on the face of the Earth. We are the preeminent Surface Navy on the face of the Earth. That is not given, that is earned.
VADM Rowden: #SurForStrategy describes the return to #SeaControl, which is the timeless & universal purpose of the @USNavy. It also highlights the implementation of #DistributedLethality as an operational & organizational principle for achieving & sustaining sea control. #SNA2018
Read 24 tweets

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