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Aug 2nd 2021
OTD August 2 1989 Indian soldiers deployed in Sri Lanka as part of the Indian Peacekeeping Force (IPKF) initiate an attack on the coastal town of Valvettithurai on the Jaffna Peninsula. 64 civilians are killed in the attack.
Cadres of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam
had stepped up their attacks on troops of the IPKF, largely by means of hit-and-run tactics and ambushes. On the morning of August 2 an IPKF moved into the town of Valvettithurai, and were attacked by an LTTE unit, resulting in the deaths of six soldiers,
including an officer as well as a further 10 injured soliders.
In retaliation, the IPKF troops went on a killing spree in the town, going from house to house, dragging people into the streets and then assaulting and killing them. Even civilians who were attempting to
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