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Jun 1st 2023
It's been 42 years since they burnt down the #JaffnaLibrary.I decided to write a thread to acknowledge these #CrimesAgainstHumanity.As a Sri Lankan from the South,as a Bibliophile & as someone who strongly believes in justice, accountability & human dignity,I ask for discourse.1/
Every year as we commemorate this now passing 42 years, why is justice delayed? Surely there must be witnesses. 👇🏾
A powerful article from 2014 & required reading for all on the burning of the #Jaffna library.
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Feb 9th 2023
MOS @Murugan_MoS met Hon.Governor Jeevan Thiyagarajah. Underlining the importance #India attaches to #Jaffna and the region in development partnership, MOS emphasized that #India will continue to be guided by the same spirit under PM @narendramodi's Neighbourhood First policy. ImageImage
රාජ්‍ය අමාත්‍ය එල්. මුරුගන් මහතා ආණ්ඩුකාර ජීවන් ත්‍යාගරාජා මහතා හමුවිය.
සංවර්ධන සහයෝගීතාවයේදී ඉන්දියාව යාපනයට සහ එම කලාපයට ලබාදෙන වැදගත්කම අවධාරණය කළ රාජ්‍ය අමාත්‍යතුමා ඉන්දියාව අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය නරේන්ද්‍ර මෝදි මැතිතුමාගේ අසල්වැසියා ප්‍රථමයෙන් යන ප්‍රතිපත්තිය යටතේ අඛණ්ඩව එලෙසම කටයුතු කරන බව පැවසීය.
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Feb 9th 2023
MOS @Murugan_MoS received a traditional welcome on his arrival in #Jaffna. He is visiting #SriLanka to attend dedication of #Jaffna Cultural Center to the people. He will interact with a series of dignitaries including President H.E @RW_UNP and stakeholders during the visit. ImageImageImageImage
රාජ්‍ය අමාත්‍ය එල්. මුරුගන් මහතා යාපනයේදී සාම්ප්‍රදායික ලෙස පිළිගන්නා ලදී. යාපනය සංස්කෘතික මධ්‍යස්ථානය ජනතා අයිතියට පත් කිරීමේ උත්සවයට සහභාගී වීම සඳහා එතුමා ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට පැමිණ තිබේ.
සංචාරය අතරතුර එතුමා ජනාධිපති රනිල් වික්‍රමසිංහ මහතා සහ විවිධ පාර්ශවකරුවන් ඇතුළු සම්භාවනීය අමුත්තන් රැසක් හමු වනු ඇත.
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Aug 2nd 2021
OTD August 2 1989 Indian soldiers deployed in Sri Lanka as part of the Indian Peacekeeping Force (IPKF) initiate an attack on the coastal town of Valvettithurai on the Jaffna Peninsula. 64 civilians are killed in the attack.
Cadres of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam
had stepped up their attacks on troops of the IPKF, largely by means of hit-and-run tactics and ambushes. On the morning of August 2 an IPKF moved into the town of Valvettithurai, and were attacked by an LTTE unit, resulting in the deaths of six soldiers,
including an officer as well as a further 10 injured soliders.
In retaliation, the IPKF troops went on a killing spree in the town, going from house to house, dragging people into the streets and then assaulting and killing them. Even civilians who were attempting to
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Jun 19th 2021
(1) The 4th stage of the Program by the Min of #Fisheries to build #ArtificialReefs and #FishSpawning habitats with old busses and concrete structures is been successfully conducted in the seas off the #Jaffna peninsula. Earlier stages were conducted in Trinco, Galle and Matara.
(2) The protest by the #TamilNadu #Fishermen against the program stating it as an irresponsible move has been rejected by the #GOSL and will be continued. Similar programs are conducted globally, it has been recommended by the #MarineResearch Institute in SL, #NARA as well.
(3) While it will boost Fish Spawning, #Marine Habitats and #environment damaged over the years by human factors and #illegal fishing methods such as #BottomLineTrawling, it will also act as an shield against bottom line trawling conducted illegally by the #Indian Fishermen.
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Nov 25th 2020
Jaffna Magistrate Court issued an Order today banning any kind of commemorative events to observe #Maveerar Day after #Kopay & #Jaffna Police moved motions separately. #Kopay police & Jaffna police named 37 & 14 persons respectively as respondents while filing B reports.#lka 1/
Senior ASG Haripriya Jayasundera submitted to court on 3 grounds arguing allowing such events pose threat to National Security:activities that would revive a terrorist organization banned under PTA (48);cites 2011gazette banning LTTE & prevent any rememberings of its cadres. 2/
ASG also argued that allowing these events might lead to disharmony among communities violating clauses of 3 (1,2) of ICCPR in which SL is also a signatory. She also requested Magistrate Court to ban such gatherings under Code Of Criminal Procedure 106-public nuisance. #lka 3/
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May 31st 2019
On a midnight like this,38 years ago,the #Jaffna Public Library,onetime Asia's finest library with thousands of books and rare documents on #Tamil culture made of ola leaves were burned to ashes by Govt forces. #cultural #genocide #NoJustice
The women who is seated here on a partly burned wooden chair with empty looks in her face is Mrs Nadaraja who was then Chief Librarian of #Jaffna Public library when it was burned down. No one brought before justice for this act of cultural genocide against #Tamil community.
Following the burning of #Jaffna Public library,Mrs Nadarajah left the country. Her new book titled “#Jaffna Public Library-Then & Now” on witnessing this worst cultural genocidal act committed against #Tamil community by Govt sponsored forces to be released in UK tomorrow.
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Feb 5th 2019
Misinformation campaign in South using proxies from North:this shoddy individual claimed to attached with Aava gang is a well known convicted ganja peddler in #Jaffna.Maintaining close ties with military intelligence,he was active in #Navanthurai & #ManiyamThoddam area in past.1/
Two ganja peddling cases against him are still pending in Jaffna & Negombo Courts currently. Earlier he was attached to FSP led by Kumar Gunaratnam gang & was removed later. Why these Southern media Orgzns carry out this kind of cheap & fake news campaign mixed with racism? 2/ Image
Shame @adaderana gave airtime for this crook for levelling baseless allegations against some TNA MPs claiming S.Sritharan & @MASumanthiran are involved in Kerala ganja peddling activities in North where he himself was a notorious ganja peddler in past with para-military ties.3/
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