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Jun 13th 2023
It was an honour to speak at the @SAAMA_NPC Conference on Wednesday, 7th June 2023.

I presented @volitioncap's unique fund management model using traditional African cooperatives.

#AfricanWealth #Diaspora #VolitionCap #MiddleClassWealth Image
I also emphasized the need for asset managers to assist the middle class to reach their financial goals.
By nurturing an environment where the African middle class has the right tools and knowledge to better manage their assets and secure their financial future, we can open the door to a better tomorrow.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 11th 2021
I came into my first week of the year today excited about many things, one of which is @volitioncap and our plan to help ~2million hardworking and honest individuals create wealth in the next 5 years, & help ~200,000 business owners turn their businesses into investment engines.
Over the course of 2021, my partner @subomiplumptre and I will hold series of wealth building sessions, events and seminars. We will share on how to create and sustain multiple streams of income, save towards investment, what to invest in, how/when to take profit,
the future of money/finance, impact and venture investing, US equities and real estate markets, digital currency, agri and mining industries and so much more... Through these sessions, along with our partners, we will connect individuals and businesses to vast opportunities
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