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Sep 5th 2022
Today is about celebrating our wins as #America’s #Workers. Thanks to the diligence of #LaborUnions we have #RightsForWorkers Thank You @UAW @NEAToday @AFLCIO @steelworkers @IBEW @UFWupdates @UAPipeTrades @IUBAC @UMAW_ @AlliedPilots @NUHW and more for your fight for us
As you enjoy this #LaborDay2022 know that the #TNGOP is actively trying to dismantle your rights to good paying jobs, paid vacation, holidays, benefits, safe work environments with their push for #Amendment1 they call it #RightToWork, but is actually #CorporateRight to bully
The supporters of this garbage like my opponent Scott Cepicky and our governor Bill Lee are open in their disdain for the workers of Tennessee, they know we lead the nation in low paying wages & that states that embrace the ability for Labor Unions to negotiate have better wages
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